Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Whole Lotta Shakin Going On

My email gets alerts on Earthquakes in the USA and I added a region that includes an area stretching from north of Australia to Japan to Alaska. So far, we have had two more significant quakes in the past 2 days. Just tonight a 6.5 quake occurred in the ocean northeast of Australia.

I have disaster fatigue. It is hard to fathom the destruction in Japan and the loss of life and property. It is hard to imagine those brave men on that suicide mission to work in what is left of the nuclear reactor complex. And, it is hard to know who to believe about what is happening there in that complex and what is  going to happen next. Main stream media news (ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX,CNN) seem to be saying one thing and the alternative media reports seem to be warning about some much more.

I really am having a hard time deciding who to listen, I will listen to both. Perhaps there is a meeting of the philosophies somewhere in there that will result in something close to the truth. In 29 minutes, I do believe the most accurate report is about to be given. I will have a sleepless night tonight for a while, listening to what this fellow has to say. Somehow, I think what he is about to say will be pretty nasty, but I am just guessing.

Yet, through all I have seen and heard the past week, one thing stands out above all else and that is the remarkable actions of the Japanese people. They seem to remain orderly in the face of the most terrible disaster we can ever imagine. They remain in perfect lines, waiting for food and gasoline. They are polite and grateful for help. They are spiritual. They cry. They pray. They hope. I only hope that we as Americans can learn something from them. In the face of a similar disaster, I wonder what will happen in our Nation. I remember the riots and the looting and the violence after the L.A. quake a few years back. God protect us all!

I think it is time to stop and pray or reflect on the needs of the Japanese and when you have asked God to help, become the means of that help. Give what you can. Do what you can. Reach out to to offer whatever you can. Don't just sit here reading this post, and going on without doing anything. Be proactive and reactive. Be a human for a change instead of an animal.

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