I just got home from a night sleep over at the Cottage. The weather was absolutely fabulous for a January day. The temperature was very pleasant and the sky was clear and sunny. I just could not help myself, so I went for a drive and then a walk about in the sun. To treat myself, I ate Mexican food out and purchased an adult beverage to take home. That was early in the day and since I knew I would be hungry by the evening, I picked up soup fixings and went home and put some wonderful music on and cooked and ate and had that adult beverage.
Now, isn't this a much better blog post than what I used to write about?
Did you notice I did not mention that we may soon be seeing two Suns in the sky? Yes, the big Red Giant star in the constellation Orion is about to go Supernova and when it does, it will be visible to us here on Earth in a very bright display of energy dissipating into the Universe as it collapses on itself. There is nothing to worry about there. It will be a spectacular vision when it occurs.
Did you notice I did not mention that Ron Paul came in second in the Straw Poll in New Hampshire? He says he is not going to run for President but we shall see. He prefers to run for the Senate from Texas. I believe I might vote for him.
Did you notice that Walmart is airing Homeland Security videos in their stores warning the American populace to watch for Domestic Terrorists? Oops. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, you are a terrorist according to a list put out by HS. Also, if you pay with cash, dislike the Federal Reserve's bankrupting of America, dislike politics, own a gun, are an American Veteran, are a non-Christian or are a Zealous Christian, are loud, are abusive, are wearing bluejeans....etc. Don't believe me? Go look it up or watch the videos.
Did you notice that I did not mention that gasoline went from $2.86 per gallon to $2.95 per gallon in one day and then back down to $2.89 per gallon the next day? What was up with that? I think it might have been a test to see what the public would do. Hey, we did not slow down in purchasing gas. Get ready, I hear gas is headed over $3.00 per gallon soon and is not going to go back down....ever.
Did you notice I did not mention that NASA reported that they expect the Sun to enter a period of extreme activity with Sunspots and Eruptions of Coronal Matter starting this year and increasing next year? GOSH, that one has me worried. Major Ed Dames says we are in for a big one which he calls the KILL SHOT. Remind me to stock up on sunscreen and a deep underground shelter.
Did you notice that I did not mention that things like Blogging may become a thing of the past when and if they restrict Internet use with the new Kill Switch legislation coming out of Washington DC? Heck, freedom of speech is not that important when you are a slave. Oops, there I go again, I think that kind of talk is not highly regarded by Homeland Security.
Did you notice I have not mentioned the V FOR VICTORY movement? Ignore that one. If you are curious, just Google it while you still can.
Did you notice I said nothing about my little dog? She is fine.
Did you notice I don't talk about dreams anymore? Dreams are not real. Dreams are personal and should not be shared. Dreams are personal Myths to build and explore. Dreams are fun.
Did you notice I did not mention that I washed out my truck bed and washed the outside of that filthy vehicle? It needed it.
Did I mention that I am going out to eat because I am alone tonight and I do not feel like cooking? I guess not. Hey, you all have a great evening and take no notice of what I say.
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