Brother can you spare a dime? Just drop it in the cup please.
This morning, my left hand is not working correctly. It is like I have pulled all the muscles in my wrist. I know it is from over work and so I will have to let it rest a bit today. No work for the guilty today, so I guess I will not be earning my keep...except that I can wash clothes and sweep and do the dishes and clean house a bit. Oh yes, I need to rake the yard. Another day off for me and tonight, You Know Who promised to take me out to dinner if she gets home at a reasonable hour. So, I will putter around the abode.
The dreams last night were once again a bit on the unusual side. Something about staying out of sight from an invading army... I just cannot remember the details now. It must have gotten cold in the house last night for the Rat Terrier decided to sleep under the covers between us. That was nice. She had a bath before bedtime and so I guess she was extra chilly. We all were tired from our long drive yesterday. My head is fine today except for a twinge of discomfort as the old skin knits back together.
Can you believe January is almost gone? Time is flying by at a rapid rate this year so far. Just like the Swallow returning to Capistrano, my W-2 Form showed up this week. That is a subtle reminder that Uncle Sammy wants his cut of my pay as if he has not already gotten his share earlier this year. Man! Did you notice that your taxes went up a bit? If you were lucky, yours went down a bit this past year, unless they went down because you are unemployed. Current figures have the unemployment rate at about 16% of those being counted and if you figure in the former self employed (who are not considered in this figure), the rate is at about 23%. Oops! How's that Hope and Change working for you now? Anyway, I feel for you all. One day here soon, we all are going to have to stand up and vote all these crooks out of office and get our country back. After all, YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES. Well, at least you will be the government after the Super Bowl is over. Did I mention that corporate profits for the big Banks (you know their names, they are the ones you bailed out) that are the owners of the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve (just as much Federal as Federal Express Delivery Service) had record returns as did Big Oil companies like Exxon? Glad to see that someone is making a killing in these hard economic times. Housing values are dropping, taxes are going up, almost every State and City are near total bankruptcy and about to be taken over by the Chinese investors...Stop, Stop! Am I still asleep and this is a nightmare? Yep, it is and yes I am...I just pinched myself and woke up. Is the Super Bowl this weekend?
That reminds me of a story. I have this Moakie Ball on my desk. I think that is how it is spelled. Anyway, it is a bit of a surprising little rock. It looks like a sphere with a rim around the middle. It looks as if it were manufactured of iron and then thrown out a few thousand years ago to rust and erode. I know it is not iron because it weighs practically nothing. Then I have this larger sphere that looks remarkably similar but weighs more like it is made of iron. Anyway, looks can be deceiving, I have been told. They are just rocks. Right? Yet, similar spheres have been found in South Africa which are much smoother and have a definite cut groove around their middle. They are found in a strata of rock which dates back millions of years. Couple that with the discovery of a dressed stone wall found in a seam of coal in Pennsylvania, 3 miles beneath the surface and you begin to wonder if we are having a big one pulled over our eyes. Throw in the other remarkable finds such as human remains found in a Precambrian layer, along side some nice dinos and you really have to scratch your head. I know that human foot prints have been found about 120 miles north of where I sit in a fossilized riverbed that contained dinosaur prints. Much like the Federal Government, someone is not telling us the whole truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God.
Let me ask you a question. If you believed something so much that you swore to it being the only truth, and you found out something to the contrary, would you be man or woman enough to admit you were wrong even if it meant that it would severely impact your credibility?
I think that is the case in many areas these days. We are being challenged with new material and new findings and rediscoveries every day and, some are just too stubborn to admit they were wrong in the past and embrace the new findings. I read a recent little article in a paper regarding all the arrowheads being found in Mills County Texas. They are identified and classified and dated but the real meaning of who made them seems to escape explanation. Yes, some are being classified as Clovis Points with an age of perhaps as old as 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. But, have you ever wondered why we as a species went back to using flint points instead of metal points...or for that matter, why we went back to bows and arrows from more advanced weapons. You say those advanced weapons did not exist at that time? Well, how do you explain the historical accounts of flying machines in India just before this time and the further stories of what sounds like a nuclear exchange? Did you know that radioactive human remains have been found in what is now Pakistan? Have you heard about the glass like remains of humans in India (which can only be produced via radiation)? What about all the glass found in the desert made from sand being fused and converted to glass? I mean you have to stop and wonder what happened here on this planet to cause us to fall back into a Stone Age lifestyle.
And, here is the real wild piece of information to consider. This is the ultimate wonder of the world....hold on. I hear the dryer going off and I must go get my smock and lab coat out before they wrinkle...Catch you later...
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