Ok, I am back and hopefully without interruption this time. I shall save that story for another post later. I have just a few minutes so let me tease you with an idea. It is something I have been thinking about lately regarding where the Mind exists. There is so much research going on these days regarding the Mind and Consciousness that you may or may not be aware of. With the recent shooting of the Arizona Representative, Gabrielle Gifford, I know folks are mindful of the role of the brain in human existence. Yet, I don't think the Mind exists within the gray matter between our ears. I tend to think it is outside of the brain. The brain is certainly our own personal organic computer terminal and processor when it comes to day to day life functions. There is more than that organ to the greater Mind that exists within and without of our species. I have no proof of this so this is just my thoughts on the matter.
Several months ago, I saw a movie which really set me to thinking. The movie was Inception. It was one of those mind bending visual special effects extravaganzas which makes you say, Wow. The photography was fantastic. I say photography, but it really was mostly the computer generated imaging that was fantastic. It was a dream to watch. Those of you in the Imaging Arts, I salute you. Computer generated art has come a long way and the ability to blend that art with the physical via blue screen technology is amazing. Having the good fortune of being married to an artist and knowing other artists gives me a different perspective than some on the world. I tend to live part of my life in the world of "fantasy" or the non-physical reality of creation. This is bordering on where I want to go with this post. I have to ask, What is Real?
Is Real only that which you can touch and feel and smell and taste? I used to think that until I sat down with a Physics text and began to read about Quantum possibility. It was at that point when I was trying to digest the quantum levels which electrons could exist in order to make particular atoms and molecular structures for my Medicinal Organic Chemistry studies that I realized that it was a matter of infinite possibility... non-locality... the electron cloud ... the, it can be here just as easily as there idea..........
Fast forward many years and along comes all the new studies in Consciousness. I say new studies but really they were new discoveries of a very old science of Mind and Existence. The practice of Mind has been a part of humanity probably from the very beginning. Meditation comes to my mind when I think of Consciousness and altered States of Mind and all that comes with achieving those altered states. The infinite possibility one can achieve seems to come back to the science of Quantum field studies. Ok, no lecture here on that subject. Go do a little research and you will come away with an understanding of just how much and how little we understand this field of study. The Secret came out a few years ago and seemed to propel us all into a different mindset when it comes to the Infinite Possibility theory. You are the master of your destiny because you can influence the local field via entanglement of the quantum field between you and the "Matrix" of the greater field which exists out there somewhere. That is partially why I believe the Mind exists not entirely within the gray matter between our ears.
So why does any of this matter? It does to me for the simple reason of where it has taken me in my life. I believe. I believe that it works. It being something I do not understand fully, but I know it works. No coincidences happen in my life, only synchronicity. A chain of events set in place by entangling my desires and thoughts with that great manufacturing plant of the Matrix of the Universal Mind is what produces the outcomes I ask for. Wait! That sounds a lot like the power of prayer. Ask and it shall be given....knock and the door will be open to you.... dream and you can go anywhere you want to go. Remember Inception the movie. That was what they were doing in that movie. Which brings me to another thought... are Hollywood movies a training tool for the concepts we need to be introduced to but have no idea exist? That may very well be the case. Some researchers have chronicled the use of the media to impart knowledge and training and propaganda over the years. It is a real science. Ask anyone in advertising and they will tell you just how effective this method is to influence the masses. But, how do you train an untrained crowd about a concept they don't usually think about and have never heard of because you just do not see those kind of things while watching Monday Night Football, the NBA, or Dancing with the Stars? Well, you use the media and spritz it up a notch with some fantastic adventure story and show it on the movie channels. The mass of folks out there may not understand it, but the idea is planted in their brains. That is the beginning of entanglement. You set the spin rate and electron positioning of an idea in the electron cloud of an individual and the entangled link is established. You have to catch up a bit on your studies to understand that last statement. It has to do with linking two atoms and then no matter how far you separate those two atoms in distance, they are always entangled with each other to the point that one "knows what the other is doing at all times, instantly".... Quantum entanglement. It is the twin effect. It is why you know when something bad has happened to someone who is close to you. It is how you anticipate someone calling you on the phone. It is that gut feeling you get. It is woman's intuition. It is Remote Viewing. It is Love. It is Yogis being able to be in two places at one time. It is deja vu. It is a paranormal event you cannot explain. It is the infinite possibility of the Universal Mind. It is you and I being one with each other. I am sending you a photon bit of information and you are responding likewise with my biological unit, but the Mind already knows all this.... It is a compelling beginning. Who knows where this might take us.
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