What an absolute surprise tonight we are having outside. It is like a Spring evening with a temperature in the low 70s and a clear sky. I know a storm is coming later, but for now, it is out of this world wonderful. I went for a walk in the yard with my two dogs, barefoot. I was considering going and putting some shorts on and sitting outside under the stars for a while. Instead, I cooked my dinner and had a wonderful meal. You know Who is at class tonight and so she will not be home till around 8PM. I just finished all the dishes and I need to go get some clothes out of the dryer and put some more in and start another load of clothes in the washer. I guess I have about 30 minutes to write something tonight. I have been mulling over all the heavy news from all over the world and I have decided that no one would listen to my ideas about that anyway, so forget it. We have lost the fight and I am willing to let the Globalists just come and take it all.
I wonder what is on Television tonight? I have not watched TV in about 12 years or more. I think it was just after Desert Storm started when I made a decision to turn the boob tube off. Sad thing is that I have missed so many good commercials over the years. You see, it is my contention that the only thing worth watching on TV are the commercials. They are witty and thought provoking, in some cases, and those are the ones I used to pay attention to. I realize I am totally out of touch with the American world as it is. I think part of the economic downturn is that there are a lot of people out there like me, who have just turned the TV off. The final nail in the coffin of television watching in my house, was when they went to a digital signal and all my televisions stopped working. I no longer could receive shows. That was a bad move on the part of the powers that be. But, who gives a rats ass?
The other day I got an email..... which by the way might be a thing of the past in a few months if the Federal Government has their way. It seems that they have a "Kill Switch" in place to turn all this off. Egypt just used it when they turned the Internet and Cell Phones off to help infuriate the crowds, thus provoking more rioting. Look up using Google, Obama Kill Switch... anyway, back to the email.... The darned thing was telling me about a new commercial that is going to air during something called the Super Bowl, which I understand is on some digital broadcast this coming weekend. The commercial is for our company and it will air on National Television. Well, I tried to watch it on the internet but had no sound, so it was just meaningless to me. They also said I could go and download the MP3 version of a song on the commercial for free....but, I don't know how to get to it. Rats! I love music.
For some reason my ability as a geek seems to be slipping away. All I can do is Blog these days, and I had a threat issued that I may be taken down because of my controversial subjects matter. Wow! I may disappear again soon. I am telling you, if it happens again, it is the last time. I will not come back to the internet ever again in my lifetime. This space will go the way of Television as far as I am concerned. Which brings me to a story for you all.
Several years ago, I had a run of luck. I never enter contests and drawings because I never win anything. Except, one year I hit the jackpot. I don't remember how I came to enter this drawing but it was on one of the local television stations. Well, I won. I won several prizes which I shared with friends. I was on the evening weather accepting my winnings along with a group of friends I brought along to share in the winnings. I got a free meal served on air along with bar-b-cue sauce, a bar-b-cue grill, some coupons for more meals and other things I cannot remember. That is not the important part of the story. While we were there, I had a chance to talk to the weather man. He will remain unnamed to protect his career. Anyway, he gave me a tour of the station and the news sets and then we got down to questions and answers. Well, I did not ask the usual questions. I asked him what he saw for the future of television in relation to the newly developing Internet? His answer was frank and to the point. He told me that he knew for a fact that in a few short years his job would not be in existence. He said everything was going to change. Free public television as was the case at that time would go away. The Government and Industry would be taking control of everything and it would all be on a pay as you go basis if you wanted to continue watching the boob tube. He said the weather reports would become a thing of the past. I don't think that part of his answer has come true yet. He contended that people could go to the internet and read a weather report. He also was questioning his ability to really forecast the weather correctly. Things were changing in the weather patterns. Most of the other stuff he said has come true. Wow!
Well, next I found myself winning a prize on another television station. I got a nifty umbrella from the Weather man at the local NBC station. I still have that umbrella and I gave away the grill to a friend. I stopped watching television. I started listening to radio more. I began to read again. That has become my passion over the many years since that war. Good thing too. I have managed to reads lots of interesting things about history and religion and government and corruption and archeology and God and god and mankind think we are gods and so on and so on. I have read so much, my head swims with facts and knowledge and bits and pieces and stuff I just cannot remember. And, I have come to the realization that I have not read enough. I could read until my eyeballs dropped out of my head and it still would not be enough. The Truth is out there....just like those UFOs. Oops, got to go do laundry before the cold front blows in. Have a great night where ever you are.
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