Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt goes entirely offline - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Egypt goes entirely offline - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Could you live without the internet or your cell phone? Think about it. The Homeland Security for
our country now has in place the INTERNET KILL SWITCH just like the one used in Egypt. It will
be used in case of a National Emergency, real or imaginary.

Don't Touch That Dial....Turn a Page Instead.

What an absolute surprise tonight we are having outside. It is like a Spring evening with a temperature in the low 70s and a clear sky. I know a storm is coming later, but for now, it is out of this world wonderful. I went for a walk in the yard with my two dogs, barefoot. I was considering going and putting some shorts on and sitting outside under the stars for a while. Instead, I cooked my dinner and had a wonderful meal. You know Who is at class tonight and so she will not be home till around 8PM. I just finished all the dishes and I need to go get some clothes out of the dryer and put some more in and start another load of clothes in the washer. I guess I have about 30 minutes to write something tonight. I have been mulling over all the heavy news from all over the world and I have decided that no one would listen to my ideas about that anyway, so forget it. We have lost the fight and I am willing to let the Globalists just come and take it all.

I wonder what is on Television tonight? I have not watched TV in about 12 years or more. I think it was just after Desert Storm started when I made a decision to turn the boob tube off. Sad thing is that I have missed so many good commercials over the years. You see, it is my contention that the only thing worth watching on TV are the commercials. They are witty and thought provoking, in some cases, and those are the ones I used to pay attention to. I realize I am totally out of touch with the American world as it is. I think part of the economic downturn is that there are a lot of people out there like me, who have just turned the TV off.  The final nail in the coffin of television watching in my house, was when they went to a digital signal and all my televisions stopped working. I no longer could receive shows. That was a bad move on the part of the powers that be. But, who gives a rats ass?

The other day I got an email..... which by the way might be a thing of the past in a few months if the Federal Government has their way. It seems that they have a "Kill Switch" in place to turn all this off. Egypt just used it when they turned the Internet and Cell Phones off to help infuriate the crowds, thus provoking more rioting. Look up using Google, Obama Kill Switch... anyway, back to the email.... The darned thing was telling me about a new commercial that is going to air during something called the Super Bowl, which I understand is on some digital broadcast this coming weekend. The commercial is for our company and it will air on National Television. Well, I tried to watch it on the internet but had no sound, so it was just meaningless to me. They also said I could go and download the MP3 version of a song on the commercial for free....but, I don't know how to get to it. Rats! I love music.

For some reason my ability as a geek seems to be slipping away. All I can do is Blog these days, and I had a threat issued that I may be taken down because of my controversial subjects matter. Wow! I may disappear again soon. I am telling you, if it happens again, it is the last time. I will not come back to the internet ever again in my lifetime. This space will go the way of Television as far as I am concerned. Which brings me to a story for you all.

Several years ago, I had a run of luck. I never enter contests and drawings because I never win anything. Except, one year I hit the jackpot. I don't remember how I came to enter this drawing but it was on one of the local television stations. Well, I won. I won several prizes which I shared with friends. I was on the evening weather accepting my winnings along with a group of friends I brought along to share in the winnings. I got a free meal served on air along with bar-b-cue sauce, a bar-b-cue grill, some coupons for more meals and other things I cannot remember. That is not the important part of the story. While we were there, I had a chance to talk to the weather man. He will remain unnamed to protect his career.  Anyway, he gave me a tour of the station and the news sets and then we got down to questions and answers. Well, I did not ask the usual questions. I asked him what he saw for the future of television in relation to the newly developing Internet? His answer was frank and to the point. He told me that he knew for a fact that in a few short years his job would not be in existence. He said everything was going to change. Free public television as was the case at that time would go away. The Government and Industry would be taking control of everything and it would all be on a pay as you go basis if you wanted to continue watching the boob tube. He said the weather reports would become a thing of the past. I don't think that part of his answer has come true yet.  He contended that people could go to the internet and read a weather report. He also was questioning his ability to really forecast the weather correctly. Things were changing in the weather patterns. Most of the other stuff he said has come true.  Wow!

Well, next I found myself winning a prize on another television station. I got a nifty umbrella from the Weather man at the local NBC station. I still have that umbrella and I gave away the grill to a friend. I stopped watching television. I started listening to radio more. I began to read again. That has become my passion over the many years since that war. Good thing too. I have managed to reads lots of interesting things about history and religion and government and corruption and archeology and God and god and mankind think we are gods and so on and so on. I have read so much, my head swims with facts and knowledge and bits and pieces and stuff I just cannot remember. And, I have come to the realization that I have not read enough. I could read until my eyeballs dropped out of my head and it still would not be enough. The Truth is out there....just like those UFOs.  Oops, got to go do laundry before the cold front blows in. Have a great night where ever you are.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Dreams May Come?

Escape is not always a possibility. For a moment, this evening, I managed to escape for just a split second and I can thank someone I did not know at all. It happened with the movement of a hand. Let me explain. As I was driving home, listening to the news, I found myself deep in reflection of what is happening all around us. There is just too much to deal with coming at us from all sides. Reality was getting a little too close for me and I found my reflections wandering off into some dark waters. I got an email today from my Physician telling me that he is adjusting his practice in order to survive the coming implementation of Obama Care. He let his nurse go. He is going to limit his patient load. He is going to offer a multi-tier level of service depending upon your opting to pay an extra fee for services per year. It will be like joining a Medical club, in a way. I had to digest this notice of impending change.... There is that Change our President spoke of. Anyway, what it boils down to is if I Hope to get the same level of Medical Care as before, I will have to pay a fee of $1200.00 per year. Wow! And that does not include the copays I normally would have to pay, along with deductibles and such. HE LET HIS NURSE GO AND IS NOT GOING TO REPLACE HER! If you opt for the non-extra fee level of service, your appointment is on a space available basis. Your average length of time spent with the Doctor will be 4 minutes and there will be no comprehensive checkup unless you schedule one and pay in full at the time of the appointment and file your own paperwork and wait for reimbursement from your insurance. If you are a Medicare Patient, you might as well forget it. He is going from a patient load of around 3000 to only 600 or so patients. When I read all this and let it sink in, the reality of the new Health Care Act hit me square in the face. The proverbial THEY were indeed right. It sucks getting old. Then top all that off with the news about the Middle East and the economy and the other mess and well, it is enough to ruin a dinner. So, as I drove home, contemplating all that, I felt the darkness covering my usual bubbly personality. It was at that point, I had to stop for a red light and found myself watching the pedestrians crossing the street in front of me. All seemed to be rushing to beat the change of the light to avoid the traffic. And there it was....It being a hand gesture from a nice lady crossing in front of my truck. The gesture was like a dance move you might see on the stage of a graceful dance in Bali. It was just a flick of the wrist to form a delicate curve of the hand and arm. I am sure it was just a meaningless movement on her part as she rushed across the street, but to me it was a dance movement that flooded my mind with memories of beautiful dancers, gracefully moving to the floating notes of a song. Purposeful movement of head and eyes and neck and body and arms and especially hands told a story to the watcher of the dance. It was a delight for the eyes and the mind and the ear. Just for a moment I was not in Austin. I was on an island in the South Pacific, away from all the news and fighting and protest and economics and gloom. I was lost in a dance move that involved the graceful curve of a hand held just so....

I live in an Unobstructed Universe. My reality is not your reality. I dance to the sound of a different drummer and that drummer only plays for me. I can close my eyes and escape to this world and not have to see what is here in your world. It is not like sticking your head in the sand. It is like stepping through a curtain to another room that is so peaceful and lovely. Only I can go there and only I control what else is in the room. I only choose to surround myself with lovely things that delight the senses and entertain the soul. I can find beauty in a simple movement of a soft hand. I can see how marvelous the human heart can be if allowed to flower into something filled with love. I can smile and radiate kindness to everyone of every race, color and creed who seeks peace and comfort and security like I do. I can invite them all to sit and share a meal and a song and a laugh no matter what is going on outside of my room. That is my escape.

Someone asked me the other day what I thought I was in a former life. I was taken by surprise by the question. I never expected this person to even have any interest in the subject. I blurted out an answer of, "a soldier. A soldier in another life that might have been in the last big war...World War II." I think I could have added much more to the idea of who I was. I think I could have said I was a dreamer. I know I have fought before. I know I got my fill of death. I know I desired to seek the sublime and peace of knowledge and spirit. I have turned onto a different path these days. I know more now than I ever knew before because I learned many lessons somewhere back there in a different reality and time. I don't know all those lessons in the front of my mind but I know them deep down inside. They are there, hidden from obvious view. They are there to guide me. They might be just as real as that hand motion above. They might be as illusive as that special place I go to escape. Seek the truth. Seek the path that you must travel. Dream the dream that gives you peace.

Do You Question?

Are you an artist? Are you cerebral? Do you love to laugh? Does color and form give you joy? Do you tap your foot when you hear a fun song that is lively? Do you like goofy sounds? Do you enjoy spending time with your friends? Does a really rich desert make you float into a space of eternal bliss? Do you smile when you see a cute dog wagging its tail? Do unusual names of exotic fruits bring on a chuckle? Does a really good looking man make you melt inside? Does a gorgeous woman make you go weak in the knees? Are you content with the ordinary in life and find happiness and joy in everything you gather round you? Does a well drawn cartoon make you want to attach a funny caption? Do you ever want to stop at a large public fountain and dip your hand or foot in the water? Do you seek out interesting people to be around? Have you ever just wanted to give something to someone with no strings attached? Do you like being labeled a Bohemian? If you moved to Paris, would you live on the Left Bank? Do you love? Do you hate? Do you pray? Do you meditate? Have you ever drawn a hot bath and floated till it got cold, while listening to Slim Whitman songs? Do you really believe that those songs could turn Martian's brains to Jelly? Do you believe in Space Aliens? Have you ever purchased a Bra at a Dry Goods store and asked the old Lady next to you to hook the hooks for you as you tried it on in the aisle? Are all your constellations made of Stars that form triangles in the night sky? Do you dream in color? Have you ever smelled something in a dream? Do you collect clipped toenails? Are your favorite books filled with more pictures than words? If asked, could you kiss the ring of the King or Queen? If you did, would you be wondering who kissed it before you and did they have clean lips? Have you ever felt a donkey's nose? Do you worry that you might get fleas if you scratched the back of a cow? Do you wonder what happened to all the ancient gods that lived on Mount Olympus? Do you take your own popcorn to the movies? Have you ever sat next to someone at the movies who brought their Chihuahua with them in their purse? Would  you consider letting your hair grow to a length that would be considered amazing? Have you ever wondered what color are all the atoms in a red jelly bean? Have you given up running through the woods because you think others who see you might think you are insane? Do you fall asleep in Church? Is Church the first place you realized that your could lipsync and no one would know? Do you make up verses to songs based upon what you think the singer is saying? Do you think you might need a hearing aid? Do you scream when you see a tiny bug crawling in your personal space? Have you ever been frightened by someone screaming because they saw a tiny bug crawling in their personal space? Do you talk to yourself? Do you take on both sides of those conversations with yourself? Do you get mad if you make a point that you cannot refute in those kinds of personal debates? Are you spending money like there is no tomorrow? Have you ever wondered where that phrase came from? Did you cry when Bambi's parents got burned up in that forest fire? Have you ever noticed that keyboards have two little raised bumps on the J and the F to help you find where to put your fingers before you start typing? Do you find it rains only on your days off? Do you own a wig and keep it on a manikin head in your living room? If someone says to you, "Duck", do you immediately think of Groucho Marx and his word game? Did you keep your Draft Card or did you burn it? Have you figured out the answer to the question, "if a tree falls in the woods and no is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"? Did you learn how to spell using Phonics? Do you own more than 20 cats? Do Witches really fly around on brooms? Have you ever hugged a Witch? Do you like to hug everyone instead of shake their hands? Do you get a lump in your throat when you hear a Patriotic song? Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? Do you love Ray Charles' version of America the Beautiful more than those sung by choirs? Can you play an instrument? Do you tell people you know 5 languages and can speak them even if it is only one word out of most of those languages? Did you ever put a rubber bulb on the end of the water faucet in your Microbiology lab and turn the water on slowly so that at some time in the future the bulb would fill with water and go flying around the room like a water powered jet airplane? Did you know that glass marbles flatten when dropped from the top of the stairwell of the Physics Math and Astronomy building on campus at U.T. when they hit the floor of the basement? Could you confess to a sin? Have you ever left a tip for a waitress that was insanely too much just because she could carry large trays with grace and swiftness? Have you ever accidentally goosed a waitress in the butte with your elbow as she bent over taking an order for the table behind you as you turned to pick up your dropped napkin? Do you turn beet red when embarrassed? Do you sing in the shower or tub? Have you ever recorded yourself singing in the shower or tub? Do you paint your toenails wild colors and then cover them up with socks? Have you ever considered painting your toenails a different color on each toenail and not wearing socks? As a child, did you ask lots of questions? Did you get answers? Does your kid ask too many questions? Do you give good answers? Do Bell Peppers really cost more if they are red or yellow instead of green? Why does a bell pepper turn colors? Do you make notes in the margins of all your books? Do you leave the bookmarks sticking up out of the pages of your books when you are finished reading them? Did you know I love my Wife? Did you know that my dog would rather have coffee with me than You Know Who? Do you drink too much coffee? Which would you rather have for breakfast, Chocolate filled pastry or Vanilla filled pastry? Would you purchase a Smoking Jacket if you did not smoke? Do you long for the 1960s? Do you have more questions in life than answers? Do you think I could stop asking these questions and go eat breakfast?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It All Flows Downhill

Surely, you are aware that water flows downhill. Well, it seems that plenty of things flow downhill and I can prove it in a minute. But, since we are talking about water and flowing and such, then lets talk about water in that area of the World currently in such an upheaval. The News likes to use the term, Fluid Events are unfolding and I tend to agree. The Current events are very Fluid. Yesterday I gave a list of countries that would be following close behind Tunisia and Egypt in their upheaval. People are not happy with their political leadership, the economy, the policies of their nation, the lack of concern by those in  charge, the lack of good jobs and the fact that they are beginning to suffer from a lack of food. Young people see nothing good about their situation in life and want a chance for something better. Chaos has erupted. Forgive me I left one very important country out of the list which I guess I was just trying to put out of my mind for fear of the consequences of such an upheaval, and that country if Yemen.  This afternoon, reports began to surface that Yemen was following the lead of Egypt and the protests have started there. I expected that and just failed to mention Yemen. Here is why Egypt and Yemen are key to what can escalate into a nasty situation. Some of you for sure have heard this already....I hope. Take a look at a map of that part of the World and notice two stretches of water that lap up on the shores of Egypt and Yemen. The Suez Canal is one of those bits of water and it is controlled by Egypt. Yemen sits at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula and thus is in a position to control a very key Strait of water greatly used to transport OIL out of the Middle Eastern Oil Fields. Are you beginning to catch on to what I am headed towards? OIL FLOW to the rest of the world relies on ship transportation through those Fluid Event areas, along those key waterways....that is, unless you do one of two things.

If you need a quick route to another piece of water, you take over Iran and then use their coastline. OR You rely on the Pipeline (connected to our former Vice President, Dick Cheney) which runs from .... wait for it.... Afghanistan to what used to be Yugoslavia (remember that area? Bosnia and Serbia). Now, that pipeline has some competition from the Russians but we will not discuss that now. Wait a minute. Didn't we get involved with a conflict in Bosnia (one end of the pipeline) and Afghanistan (the other end of the pipeline)? Amazing what a bit of money and oil and conflict can accomplish.

Well, back to the water crisis. I would not doubt that within a few weeks that gasoline in the USA is going to go to, on average, $3.00 plus per gallon and onwards and upwards to somewhere around $5.00 per gallon in the next several months.  Then, watch what happens. The economy further erodes and a warning I heard the other day becomes even more frightening....."The price of oil is going to go from where it was a couple of years ago ($34 to $40 per barrel) to a target price of $200 per barrel....if you invest in paper, it is only going to be worth the paper it would have been printed on, by the end of 2011 and by the end of 2012, the American dollar is going to be dead....the Elite of the world want to take over with their New World Order...". If you think rioting is going to be contained to the Middle East, you might want to rethink that idea. People tend to get testy when they get hungry. "There will not be a shortage of food on the shelves. There will be a lack of ability to pay for that food when the dollar's value drops to nothing." For now, the conflicts are political in nature. Soon, the conflicts will take on a bit of a different nature and that will be religious in nature. Shiite vs Sunni will be the name of the game. That will be when the entire area next to all the waterways explodes into a real conflict. That is when something else starts flowing. 

Why can mankind not settle all these conflicts in a non-violent manner? We are just not wired that way. We want justice and fairness and freedom without domination. Sounds simple but it is not. I shall stop at this point and let the debate continue elsewhere. I could offer up some psychic predictions I have heard, but you are not going to enjoy them either....then there is the Webbot folks who see trends before they become reality based upon what you are writing here on the Internet. So much to discuss and so little time and space to do that. 

I will apologize for the subject. I know it is not easy reading this. I know that no one wants to think about this at all. I had one of my employees tell me today that she never watches the News any more for the very reason that they report on things like this. Even her kids do not watch anything related to current events because they get too frightened. Think about that....  The next time you open an account at a large bank (especially one of the Federal Reserve Bank members) think about all the chaos and death these powerful men have inflicted on the World. Think about that before you make a deposit. Think about that when you pay your taxes. Those taxes go to pay the interest on the federal debt for all the mess we create....and the mess on a global scale that those powerful elites create all in the name of making more money and gaining power and dominance over the World. I for one do not want to be a slave. I prefer spending my last years of life as a free man, living in a free world. I fear that is not going to be the case.

Oh by the way, the warning I mentioned above was told to someone by the former head of Atlantic Richfield/Standard Oil, a Mr. From, about 3 years ago. Amazing how he knew that far in advance down to the dates of events what was planned. So far all he mentioned has come true. That makes me shudder to think that he will be right about the rest.  He passed away this past year and now does not have to worry about what was put into action by the Super Elite of the World. When you play both sides, you never lose. That is how it has been done forever and will continue unless we as a people of the World stand up and say NO MORE. We can be the resistance for victory in our lives. I used to say that we make our own destiny and future. We do. But, with all these other factors at play, I hope our will is stronger than their will. Peace be With Us.

Gorilla Walks Like A Man - Part 2

It is official, Man has finally admitted that we walk like Gorillas. I was wondering when we would admit to this somewhat repressed fact. Heck, I have a dog that walks like this Gorilla.
The Walking Dog

Now we have the proof on film of our de-evolution back to a more primitive state of living. What next? Will they begin to say that we act like Savages and are not capable of treating each other with dignity and fairness? If the CFR (Counsel on Foreign Relations - the representatives of the Elites in the World) and the Trilateral Commission think we are all slaves, then I guess that last statement is true. {Do a little research on the CFR and take a look at how many CFR members have been a part of the last 4 Presidential Cabinets and Administrations} Hey, did you catch the proverbial "Shit Hitting the Big Fan" in Egypt? The long awaited upheaval in the Middle East, desired by the Elite bankers of the World has begun. First it was Tunisia and now Egypt. Next will come Syria and Jordan and then on to Greece, Spain, Portugal and France, then Germany, with Ireland in there somewhere. By then, the crisis in the USA will have heated up over the economy, the loss of status of the US dollar as the World Reserve currency, and the political crisis regarding the enforcement of the constitutional requirement that our President be born in the USA,,,, And, you thought it was going to be an asteroid hitting the Earth that would bring on the next global catastrophe....It will be the take down of the world by the Elite and the Huge Banks of the Willie Kocurek used to say...."You don't need money, just a little bit a month". Oh, by the way...Fluent News is just reporting that as the curfew this Saturday goes into effect in Cairo, thousands of protesters have returned to the streets in defiance. Are you taking notes?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Giant Human Skeletons Was Found in Greece!

Even my dog is amazed by these huge skeletons. I was just talking to her and asked her what she thought life would be like for these huge humans and she replied, "Rough!" I agree. When we got around to discussing where they lived, she was quick to point out that we all know what they needed over their heads....a "Ruff!". I was floored by her insight into the matter.
Morning discussions with The Scholarly Dog

New Giant Skulls Found!

It is my hope that the blow to my head does not cause my brain to grow.

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Brother can you spare a dime? Just drop it in the cup please.

This morning, my left hand is not working correctly. It is like I have pulled all the muscles in my wrist. I know it is from over work and so I will have to let it rest a bit today. No work for the guilty today, so I guess I will not be earning my keep...except that I can wash clothes and sweep and do the dishes and clean house a bit. Oh yes, I need to rake the yard. Another day off for me and tonight, You Know Who promised to take me out to dinner if she gets home at a reasonable hour.  So, I will putter around the abode.

The dreams last night were once again a bit on the unusual side. Something about staying out of sight from an invading army... I just cannot remember the details now. It must have gotten cold in the house last night for the Rat Terrier decided to sleep under the covers between us. That was nice. She had a bath before bedtime and so I guess she was extra chilly. We all were tired from our long drive yesterday. My head is fine today except for a twinge of discomfort as the old skin knits back together.

Can you believe January is almost gone? Time is flying by at a rapid rate this year so far. Just like the Swallow returning to Capistrano, my W-2 Form showed up this week. That is a subtle reminder that Uncle Sammy wants his cut of my pay as if he has not already gotten his share earlier this year. Man! Did you notice that your taxes went up a bit?  If you were lucky, yours went down a bit this past year, unless they went down because you are unemployed.  Current figures have the unemployment rate at about 16% of those being counted and if you figure in the former self employed (who are not considered in this figure), the rate is at about 23%. Oops! How's that Hope and Change working for you now? Anyway, I feel for you all. One day here soon, we all are going to have to stand up and vote all these crooks out of office and get our country back. After all, YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES. Well, at least you will be the government after the Super Bowl is over. Did I mention that corporate profits for the big Banks (you know their names, they are the ones you bailed out) that are the owners of the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve (just as much Federal as Federal Express Delivery Service) had record returns as did Big Oil companies like Exxon? Glad to see that someone is making a killing in these hard economic times. Housing values are dropping, taxes are going up, almost every State and City are near total bankruptcy and about to be taken over by the Chinese investors...Stop, Stop! Am I still asleep and this is a nightmare? Yep, it is and yes I am...I just pinched myself and woke up. Is the Super Bowl this weekend?

That reminds me of a story. I have this Moakie Ball on my desk. I think that is how it is spelled. Anyway, it is a bit of a surprising little rock. It looks like a sphere with a rim around the middle. It looks as if it were manufactured of iron and then thrown out a few thousand years ago to rust and erode. I know it is not iron because it weighs practically nothing. Then I have this larger sphere that looks remarkably similar but weighs more like it is made of iron. Anyway, looks can be deceiving, I have been told. They are just rocks. Right? Yet, similar spheres have been found in South Africa which are much smoother and have a definite cut groove around their middle. They are found in a strata of rock which dates back millions of years. Couple that with the discovery of a dressed stone wall found in a seam of coal in Pennsylvania, 3 miles beneath the surface and you begin to wonder if we are having a big one pulled over our eyes. Throw in the other remarkable finds such as human remains found in a Precambrian layer, along side some nice dinos and you really have to scratch your head. I know that human foot prints have been found about 120 miles north of where I sit in a fossilized riverbed that contained dinosaur prints. Much like the Federal Government, someone is not telling us the whole truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God.

Let me ask you a question. If you believed something so much that you swore to it being the only truth, and you found out something to the contrary, would you be man or woman enough to admit you were wrong even if it meant that it would severely impact your credibility?

I think that is the case in many areas these days. We are being challenged with new material and new findings and rediscoveries every day and, some are just too stubborn to admit they were wrong in the past and embrace the new findings. I read a recent little article in a paper regarding all the arrowheads being found in Mills County Texas. They are identified and classified and dated but the real meaning of who made them seems to escape explanation. Yes, some are being classified as Clovis Points with an age of perhaps as old as 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. But, have you ever wondered why we as a species went back to using flint points instead of metal points...or for that matter, why we went back to bows and arrows from more advanced weapons.  You say those advanced weapons did not exist at that time? Well, how do you explain the historical accounts of flying machines in India just before this time and the further stories of what sounds like a nuclear exchange? Did you know that radioactive human remains have been found in what is now Pakistan? Have you heard about the glass like remains of humans in India (which can only be produced via radiation)? What about all the glass found in the desert made from sand being fused and converted to glass? I mean you have to stop and wonder what happened here on this planet to cause us to fall back into a Stone Age lifestyle.

And, here is the real wild piece of information to consider. This is the ultimate wonder of the world....hold on. I hear the dryer going off and I must go get my smock and lab coat out before they wrinkle...Catch you later...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The State of My Union

Ah, a day off.  What better way to fill a day off than to spend it with someone special. You know who that was, so, let me tell you what happened today. The day began as usual. Up before the Sun comes up and get the coffee on the stove.  Well, actually, the coffee is on the counter and the hot water for the French Press is on the stove, but who cares about the details. Let's just stick to the story and try to gel along with it. Water is is consumed with small black and white terrier resting between my legs in usual morning position....all is good. One slight variation this morning was the lack of strawberries and milk. So, I popped into the shower and got dressed in my Camoflage pants and black shirt and tennis shoes and I was off to hunt down the wild strawberry and illusive half gallon of organic milk. Found them and purchased them along with grapes for the other dog and some apple juice for myself and I returned home to another cup of coffee before hitting the road on a grand adventure.

Breakfast Menu
Breakfast was had on the run today. I was not sure what I wanted so the first place we found that seemed to serve wholesome breakfast fare was our first stop of the trip. I could not decide what I wanted so I blew the entire wad and went for the delux breakfast of J.W. Donuts, a Breakfast Taco and a side order of deer corn. It cost 7.99 but they served all the coffee I could drink. Thank God for that. Deer corn is a bit on the crunchy side unless you soften it up a bit with something like hot coffee. I was stuffed and feeling rather like a vigorous Buck so the next leg of the trip was spent talking big and living loud till we reached Moulton for a quick stop. Restroom stop is always needed after so much coffee and corn. Anyway, we decided to spend a few minutes at the place since it was such a beautiful day. I went for a quick walk about the place and found a dead tree fallen on our fence. 

Now, me a timber do not always agree. I remembered that I had a hard time lifting this particular fallen tree the last time I noticed it and so this time was going to be just as bad as the last, I thought. Much to my surprise, the tree was a bit on the rotten side, so with my superior strength, I managed to snap it and lift it off the fence and back into the railroad right of way. Fantastic! I continued back towards the orchard behind Bila Hora gardens and found an opening in the brush which led up to the top of the railroad mound. There I came across another dead tree resting across the path. This concerned me for I did not want it falling on some unsuspecting hiker, ie., me. Once again I began heaving the limbs around and trying to dislodge the tree from the neighboring tangle of branches. It was at about that point that I had an unexpected flash of brilliance. It was like a close encounter of the tree kind. The entire tree broke in half and guess where one half fell? Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! Striking this reporter squarely in the side of the head, laying open a 3/4 inch gash which I might add bled very nicely, the trunk continued to the ground ripping off my new sunshades and some skin in the process.  I always enjoy reaching up and coming back with a handful of blood and hair. Oops!

Now, I do have a very nice selection of bandaids and antibiotic ointments at the place for this has happened before. Let me tell you a secret, heads bleed profusely but it usually is nothing more than the proverbial flesh wound. I pulled the two sides of the gash together with a bandaid and all was mended. It was time to move on to another portion of our grand adventure and I was going to be sure that it was a bit safer. Did I mention I really love that dress?

The Dress
TSA Scan of my Skull
Well, I told Angela that my vision was twice as good as it was when we left the house this morning and so we decided to make a stop and have a brain X-ray done. I popped into the local airport and asked if they could put me through their Full Body Naked Body scanner and they said sure. They were even willing to pat me down and check all my vital parts since they were getting very good at doing so with all the flyers. Well, after a quick X-ray and a grope, I was satisfied that I was still intact. The double vision could be compensated for by focusing on the fences on each side of the road and ignoring what was in the paved middle part. We were good to go, and we did. Next stop was supposed to be La Vernia, Texas for a western belt, but as per usual, I jigged when I should have jogged and we ended up on the wrong road. What the heck! We decided to go visit a part of England. Yes, we ended up in Cheapside, a notorious street in London where locals tell stories of Knights and Churchmen and Fair Damsels and such. I had the chance to see where Sir Lancelot was buried. What an honor.

Grave of Sir Lancelot Abbotto

Ruins in Cheapside
Well, the day was growing long in the tooth and I realized that we seemed to be a long way from home and the lunch I had consumed on the banks of a River where the battle cry was once shouted, "Come and Take It!" was running out. I was told that I did have some nuts left. I could survive. We parted from the old town and its ruins. I had a wonderful day and the mystery of it was just fascinating. Speaking of a fantasy and a mystery...For instance, while looking for Beaver Nuggets and Turkey Jerky along the highway, I ran smack dab into one of my employees from Austin.

I was amazed at this. You are never further than 5 people away from someone you know. Here I was standing in the middle of Beaver country decked out in my special camo pants and black shirt and sunshades with matching tennis shoes (I told her I was going Snipe Hunting) and there was Tatiana and her friend, Yvanna Marlena the Austrian Belly Dancer and Tarot Card reader. Wow! I was floored by the fact that Tatiana saw that I had purchased some Turkey Jerky for the dog. I told her it was approved by my Wife. 

Do You Approve?

                   She believed me! Ha! 

Well, what can I say. One cannot live on Yogurt and Nuts forever. I can report with confidence that we did not see any UFOs on the way back to Austin. Do you think concussions can cause confusion? I hear my dog calling. I must go and rest. Till later.

 Nope, didn't see them....

Its Just a Flesh Wound

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Abercrombie Admits Failure To Discover Obama Birth Certificate - Alex Jo...

Fool On the Hill Part 2

I am generally not very political. I would rather let politicians do the political thing, but, I ran across an interesting set of quotes today. One is a long discussion from Mike Evans, a social or societal reporter. He is a good friend with the Govenor of Hawaii who just recently confirmed that he cannot find a record of PRESIDENT OBAMA'S birth certificate. Then, consider evidence submitted, that is not proven by a Remote Viewer who is retired from the Government's intelligence gathering crowd, who says, Yes, the President was born in Kenya. Oops.

So, what do you all think? If it is true then it seems that everything signed by our President is not legitimate and binding. Holy Cow.  Just go google  " Abercrombie Birth Certificate" or "Abercrombie Reports Failure". I need to get back to my Play Off preparations and my concern for who is going to be picked on America's Most Talented....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celtic Woman - Danny Boy

Last count, there are over 1300 versions of this song on iTunes. Where is my charge card?

A Fool on a Hill

Oh Danny Boy... the pipes the pipes are calling. From Glen to Glen and down the mountain side. The summer's gone and all the roses falling. Tis you, tis you must go and I must bide. But come you back when summer's in the meadow or when the valley's hushed and white with snow. Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow. Oh Danny Boy, Oh Danny boy I love you so....

But come you back when summer's in the meadow. Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow...Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow. Oh Danny Boy, Oh Danny Boy, I love you so....

But when you come and all the flowers are dying. If I am dead, as dead I well may be...You'll come and find the place where I am lying and kneel and say an Ave there for me....And I shall hear though soft you tread above me. And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be. For you'll bend and tell me that you love me and I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.......

I have an idea that I am about to slip into a new dream tonight that will lead me back home. Every time I hear this song, I get nostalgic. I remember all those who have passed. I dozed off a bit this afternoon and I dreamt that I was standing on a hill, barren and rock covered, in the middle of a cemetery in my home town. I know that hill well. Just to the west lay my Parents and two Brothers. Just to the east is my Grandmother and Grandfather and Aunt. Just to the north is many more relatives and friends. It was a strange dream but a comforting one at that. I could stand there and look in any direction and there were friends and family, resting and waiting.

Danny Boy was a song that became one of the most beloved Irish tunes that you can imagine. It was written from the standpoint of a Mother speaking to her Son. A many an Irish son left the Old Country for a new beginning. Many if not most of those Sons never returned to find that resting place the Mother sings about. It is a haunting song. I know where my Mother is resting. It is deep within my heart as is my Father and two Brothers who have passed. Perhaps another is about to pass. I have no idea if that will happen. I don't always know when one is about to go on. I have experienced that knowing in the past. It is hard to tell this time.

Sweet memories....sweet memories.

What I Did Not Say....

I just got home from a night sleep over at the Cottage. The weather was absolutely fabulous for a January day. The temperature was very pleasant and the sky was clear and sunny. I just could not help myself, so I went for a drive and then a walk about in the sun. To treat myself, I ate Mexican food out and purchased an adult beverage to take home. That was early in the day and since I knew I would be hungry by the evening, I picked up soup fixings and went home and put some wonderful music on and cooked and ate and had that adult beverage.

Now, isn't this a much better blog post than what I used to write about?

Did you notice I did not mention that we may soon be seeing two Suns in the sky? Yes, the big Red Giant star in the constellation Orion is about to go Supernova and when it does, it will be visible to us here on Earth in a very bright display of energy dissipating into the Universe as it collapses on itself.  There is nothing to worry about there. It will be a spectacular vision when it occurs.

Did you notice I did not mention that Ron Paul came in second in the Straw Poll in New Hampshire? He says he is not going to run for President but we shall see. He prefers to run for the Senate from Texas. I believe I might vote for him.

Did you notice that Walmart is airing Homeland Security videos in their stores warning the American populace to watch for Domestic Terrorists? Oops. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, you are a terrorist according to a list put out by HS. Also, if you pay with cash, dislike the Federal Reserve's bankrupting of America, dislike politics, own a gun, are an American Veteran, are a non-Christian or are a Zealous Christian, are loud, are abusive, are wearing bluejeans....etc. Don't believe me? Go look it up or watch the videos.

Did you notice that I did not mention that gasoline went from $2.86 per gallon to $2.95 per gallon in one day and then back down to $2.89 per gallon the next day? What was up with that? I think it might have been a test to see what the public would do. Hey, we did not slow down in purchasing gas. Get ready, I hear gas is headed over $3.00 per gallon soon and is not going to go back down....ever.

Did you notice I did not mention that NASA reported that they expect the Sun to enter a period of extreme activity with Sunspots and Eruptions of Coronal Matter starting this year and increasing next year? GOSH, that one has me worried. Major Ed Dames says we are in for a big one which he calls the KILL SHOT. Remind me to stock up on sunscreen and a deep underground shelter.

Did you notice that I did not mention that things like Blogging may become a thing of the past when and if they restrict Internet use with the new Kill Switch legislation coming out of Washington DC? Heck, freedom of speech is not that important when you are a slave. Oops, there I go again, I think that kind of talk is not highly regarded by Homeland Security.

Did you notice I have not mentioned the V FOR VICTORY movement? Ignore that one. If you are curious, just Google it while you still can.

Did you notice I said nothing about my little dog? She is fine.

Did you notice I don't talk about dreams anymore? Dreams are not real. Dreams are personal and should not be shared. Dreams are personal Myths to build and explore. Dreams are fun.

Did you notice I did not mention that I washed out my truck bed and washed the outside of that filthy vehicle? It needed it.

Did I mention that I am going out to eat because I am alone tonight and I do not feel like cooking? I guess not. Hey, you all have a great evening and take no notice of what I say.


What an unusual thing to perform at the White House of the United States. This song is called My Motherland, originally entitled Big River. It expresses an Anti American sentiment. This song was used in an Anti-American movie. It was the anthem used by the Chinese during the Korean War. It talks about killing American dogs. Wow!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Compelling Beginning

Ok, I am  back and hopefully without interruption this time. I shall save that story for another post later. I have just a few minutes so let me tease you with an idea. It is something I have been thinking about lately regarding where the Mind exists. There is so much research going on these days regarding the Mind and Consciousness that you may or may not be aware of. With the recent shooting of the Arizona Representative, Gabrielle Gifford, I know folks are mindful of the role of the brain in human existence. Yet, I don't think the Mind exists within the gray matter between our ears. I tend to think it is outside of the brain. The brain is certainly our own personal organic computer terminal and processor when it comes to day to day life functions. There is more than that organ to the greater Mind that exists within and without of our species. I have no proof of this so this is just my thoughts on the matter.

Several months ago, I saw a movie which really set me to thinking. The movie was Inception. It was one of those mind bending visual special effects extravaganzas which makes you say, Wow. The photography was fantastic. I say photography, but it really was mostly the computer generated imaging that was fantastic. It was a dream to watch. Those of you in the Imaging Arts, I salute you. Computer generated art has come a long way and the ability to blend that art with the physical via blue screen technology is amazing. Having the good fortune of being married to an artist and knowing other artists gives me a different perspective than some on the world. I tend to live part of my life in the world of "fantasy" or the non-physical reality of creation. This is bordering on where I want to go with this post. I have to ask, What is Real?

Is Real only that which you can touch and feel and smell and taste? I used to think that until I sat down with a Physics text and began to read about Quantum possibility. It was at that point when I was trying to digest the quantum levels which electrons could exist in order to make particular atoms and molecular structures for my Medicinal Organic Chemistry studies that I realized that it was a matter of infinite possibility... non-locality... the electron cloud ... the, it can be here just as easily as there idea..........

Fast forward many years and along comes all the new studies in Consciousness. I say new studies but really they were new discoveries of a very old science of Mind and Existence. The practice of Mind has been a part of humanity probably from the very beginning. Meditation comes to my mind when I think of Consciousness and altered States of Mind and all that comes with achieving those altered states. The infinite possibility one can achieve seems to come back to the science of Quantum field studies. Ok, no lecture here on that subject. Go do a little research and you will come away with an understanding of just how much and how little we understand this field of study. The Secret  came out a few years ago and seemed to propel us all into a different mindset when it comes to the Infinite Possibility theory.  You are the master of your destiny because you can influence the local field via entanglement of the quantum field between you and the "Matrix" of the greater field which exists out there somewhere. That is partially why I believe the Mind exists not entirely within the gray matter between our ears.

So why does any of this matter? It does to me for the simple reason of where it has taken me in my life. I believe. I believe that it works. It being something I do not understand fully, but I know it works. No coincidences happen in my life, only synchronicity. A chain of events set in place by entangling my desires and thoughts with that great manufacturing plant of the Matrix of the Universal Mind is what produces the outcomes I ask for. Wait! That sounds a lot like the power of prayer. Ask and it shall be given....knock and the door will be open to you.... dream and you can go anywhere you want to go.  Remember Inception the movie. That was what they were doing in that movie. Which brings me to another thought... are Hollywood movies a training tool for the concepts we need to be introduced to but have no idea exist? That may very well be the case. Some researchers have chronicled the use of the media to impart knowledge and training and propaganda over the years. It is a real science. Ask anyone in advertising and they will tell you just how effective this method is to influence the masses. But, how do you train an untrained crowd about a concept they don't usually think about and have never heard of because you just do not see those kind of things while watching Monday Night Football, the NBA, or Dancing with the Stars? Well, you use the media and spritz it up a notch with some fantastic adventure story and show it on the movie channels. The mass of folks out there may not understand it, but the idea is planted in their brains. That is the beginning of entanglement. You set the spin rate and electron positioning of an idea in the electron cloud of an individual and the entangled link is established. You have to catch up a bit on your studies to understand that last statement. It has to do with linking two atoms and then no matter how far you separate those two atoms in distance, they are always entangled with each other to the point that one "knows what the other is doing at all times, instantly".... Quantum entanglement. It is the twin effect. It is why you know when something bad has happened to someone who is close to you. It is how you anticipate someone calling you on the phone. It is that gut feeling you get. It is woman's intuition. It is Remote Viewing. It is Love.  It is Yogis being able to be in two places at one time. It is deja vu. It is a paranormal event you cannot explain. It is the infinite possibility of the Universal Mind. It is you and I being one with each other. I am sending you a photon bit of information and you are responding likewise with my biological unit, but the Mind already knows all this.... It is a compelling beginning. Who knows where this might take us.