Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Reflection in the Water....The Shadow on the Earth...

We had a memorable night yesterday. A Wedding! We were in attendance at the Melissa (nee, Mosley) and Eric Wetzel nuptials. What a joy and what fun! The evening was lovely. The sun shown early on in the ceremony. The breeze was just right. The stars shown in the evening. The ceremony was touching. The Bride was beautiful and the Groom handsome. The wedding party was filled with friends and family and there we were. It is an honor when you are asked to attend such an event and you do not know anyone, but , that did not matter. We had a grand time talking to folks we had never met before. Of course, I do this every day, all day long and always feel at ease doing so. Angela has a bit of a harder time with it, but my sweet Wife always finds a subject that connects her and the other party.

Oh, did I mention we danced a dance? We have not danced in a very long time. As a matter of fact, my Wife did bring up the memory of the first time we danced. I remember that night. Oh, yes, do I remember that night. Gentlemen, perhaps you  can or cannot relate, but I shall tell the story. I was in a trance. I took her in my arms and was hypnotized by her beauty and her charm. She had me hooked. About 2 weeks later, we were married. Well, perhaps you cannot relate to that part. It was a very nice memory. Last night was one of those giggly evenings for us. We did have fun at the Wedding. I am a sap when it comes to events like weddings. I get all mushy and sentimental. I tend to renew my vows during the ceremony as I hold my Wife's hand and we listen to the Power and the Authority invested in the Official ceremonial pronouncer leading the couple down that flower covered wedding path. No words get said between Angela and I, but we always remember our vows. I remember the words..... for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health....till Death do we part.... Wow, if you stop and think about that last statement, it really comes to roost that this is important. It may sound really strange for me to say what I am about to say, but Angela and I believe that we have been together before as a couple, since the beginning of time. I look into her eyes and I feel all kinds of things, even at my advancing age. I feel comfortable. I feel loved. I feel bonded. I feel like we are two celestial bodies locked together in a never ending cosmic dance. Last night, I saw another couple like that....Melissa and Eric.

It is Spring and there is no better time to make such a start as what we witnessed last night. Life is awakening and being renewed. Something new is born from something old... as old as mankind itself. The bonding of couples together is natural... as natural as all that is around you. I stood outside, this morning and watched my Wife drive off to the studio to do a little work and I could not help but notice all the voices around me in the trees. The doves are courting and soon will be nesting. The swallows are zipping between the trees and cars and collecting downy feathers to cement into their nests. The starlings and sparrows already have been hard at work building families. The squirrels are frisky and becoming very territorial. Nature is stirring. Nature is balancing itself out with the pairing of lovers. That is the way it should be.

The ancient Hermetic writings tell of such pairing and the love that brings this celebration of oneness from the duality of men and women:
"When she had seen the beauty which never satiates of him who had in himself all the energy of the powers and the form of God, she smiled with Love, because she had seen the image of the most beautiful form of Man in the water and his shadow upon the earth. He seeing in himself a similar form to his own in the water, fell in Love with her and wished to dwell there. No sooner wished than done, and he inhabited a form without speech. Nature, having taken her beloved, enfolded him completely and they united, for they LOVED each other."

There is a power beyond complete understanding which attracts souls together. It is that complete and total enfolding and union which binds two as one. It is a power that stretches across the entire universe and all time, which does not weaken with distance. Once touched, a union is formed which keeps two bound for eternity. An exchange of energy, the light of love, which dances back and forth between the two is a speechless communication which tells the other, " I Love You. " It is so special to have this bond. No one is exempt.

If Melissa and Eric ever see this post.... Thank you for giving us a glimpse of that Light of Love which flows forth....

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