Paul Soldner was a potter and an artist. He was a bit on the eccentric side. I remember once watching a profile of his work which was filmed near the end of his life. During the filming, they must have had a hard time keeping his clothes on. You see, he worked often in the nude. I can imagine how dangerous that might have been around machinery like throwing wheels, extruders, slab rollers, and most of all, high fire kilns. Paul is the balding old man with the beard in the front row with the buxom lady sitting on his lap.
This world is filled with interesting characters who sometimes push social morals aside and do what feels right to them. I will say right up front, I am not one to do this. I have this inner desire to be a free spirit and do what feels right, but I just cannot. That old guilt trip which was laid on me as a child prevents me from doing anything that would be considered inappropriate. I have been told that I am a prude. Well, my moral character is somewhat intact as I get older. I am a bit of a rogue when it comes to not totally complying to the rules. I have done things in the past that have been out of character for a professional. Don't get your knickers in a knot over that last statement. I consider the little things as enough to satisfy that desire to be an individual.
I cannot imagine what life would be like if you threw caution to the wind and lived life on a whim. I cannot imagine the total freedom of being a Bohemian of sorts and doing things just for the sheer experience of the act. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be so impulsive that you would let nature be your guide. Yet, I say all this above knowing that there are times I do know the feeling of such actions. I allow myself indulgences of mind. I allow myself time off for good behavior when I explore the "out there" of this world. It mainly results in new paths of study. I find myself living vicariously through others who have the cojonies to live life that way. I suppose that is why I like the kooks and the artistic types. They are my heros at times. I love to see the hard fighters in this world. I like to listen to the brave men and women who do not care what others think about them if they express an opinion that is out of the norm. Yet, I tend to admire the salt of the Earth who bring me back to reality too. Funny thing is, many times the two are one in the same.
But, the above poster does have a good message... If It Isn't Fun, Don't Do It! That kind of dovetails with a philosophy of life I heard years ago.... Follow Your Bliss. I took that to heart when I chose a career. I love what I do. I love my patients. I love my friends. I regret nothing I have done so far in life. I am looking forward to doing more. Perhaps one day I will take the time to do something more artistic. I have ideas. But, I will be wearing clothes.....
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