Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brain on Fire ... Pull handle for Fire Retardant

Well, another week's vacation out of the way for this year. One of these weeks, I need to go have some fun and not work as hard.  I have to admit, I cannot seem to relax. I love working on stuff. I love going to Moulton and doing something. I love it when I accomplish lots of somethings, down there. One of the last things I did before leaving for Austin was install an airconditioner in Angela's clean studio. She has the big dirty studio for making clay and glazes and throwing pots and hand building pieces and stuff like that which create dust and a mess.... and .... she has her clean studio for oil painting and finish painting of pots and art pieces. Eventually, I will have my office and library in that building.

It is nice to be home here in Austin. I am tired from all the work and running around we did yesterday... but.... my brain feels like it is going to explode today. We brought back tons of things that need washing and drying and folding and repacking. I am doing some of that today. But, I feel like I need to go for a walk or go sit next to Town Lake and watch the water flow by. Angela is going to be making glazes tomorrow in preparation for her return to the studio this week in Moulton. I have a week of work before I can return to our little hide a way.

What has my brain all lit up is thinking about celestial things. I have been continuing my reading about the ancient past and all the odd little things that goes with that history. Myths and legends and histories and tales and stories... they all intrigue me to no end. They are all a piece of a big huge puzzle and I still cannot completely put together all the pieces. I am going to have to go re-read the book, The Key. There are things in that book that might make more sense now that I have had a couple of years of further study. I know this all does not make sense to you all reading this post. Let me just say, every generation of mankind has a storyteller. And, every storyteller has a job to continue the tale. And, the many tales told, do connect. I am not talking about fiction. I am talking about the important stories in life that don't seem to fit together because they are told at different times and under different circumstances by different storytellers in different places around this globe. Those stories are the dots and you have to connect the dots with the lines that you decipher and draw yourself. 

What most people do not realize these days is the fact that our modern day storytellers come in many forms and tell their tales in many ways with modern media. Print, pictures. oral history and visual motion pictures. I have discovered one truth that you may not have come to realize for yourself. The foreshadowing of what is to come, always is told in the form of some seemingly fictional account in the movies.  Wow! That story in itself would make a great movie.  Yesterday's fiction is tomorrow's fact. You can take that and put it in the bank. Frightening! Isn't it? 

What keeps me awake at night is thinking about that fact. What have I seen and read, that  could be a glimpse of what is to come?  A while back, I read a fascinating couple of books. One of which was entitled, The History of the World as told by the Secret Societies. At the time I read it, I kept thinking in terms of historical facts about society and mankind and religion and beliefs and such. What I failed to grasp was that indeed, mankind was telling a tale and being told a tale that was understood and/or misunderstood on multiple levels. That is a wonderful tool to get a message out to the folks in the know and confuse the mass of people who listen but do not hear and look but do not see.... The parable of history... or religion .... or social trends .... or morality .... or the future can be passed along and kept secret at the same time. Bottom line, someone is trying to tell us something and we are not all getting the message. Have I confused you enough? To paraphrase a few words from a contemporary movie... "You think you know the the truth, well, you can't handle the truth....".

My Wife wants me to write a book. She suggests a children's book that is an adventure tale based upon things I am familiar with.  I have no idea what a child would like to read. I can think of a few horror stories I could weave into a child's book. I could put it all together and tell a tale that would give me and them nightmares.  No, I need to write a book that connects the dots for adults. But, I still have too many dots on the page left unconnected. Oh, well, I will keep on working on that. 

For now, I guess I need to go get a load of clothes out of the dryer. Another accomplishment out of the way and another dot connected.....

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