It is Superbowl Sunday, an American religious holiday dedicated to the celebration of the NFL and the AFL. I could not help but think that it is almost Christmas again. I think there are about 322 days left until the next Holiday Season's big day of Christmas. That thought brought to mind a memory of a wonderful Christmas Letter I found in the trash at a copy service. I was making copies of my Christmas Letter which was to be mailed out with each and every Christmas card that year. Since I was making several thousand copies of mine, I had some time to read this discarded letter. Before long, I was in tears. Not from sadness but from laughter. Who in their right mind would send out such a letter as this, I was thinking. The more I read, the more I cried with laughter. I almost could not stand up. I guess you had to be there to appreciate just how funny it was. After reading that letter, I decided that would be the last year I would mail out a Christmas Letter to my friends. I just could not top this one and I wondered if my letters were as ridiculous.
I sat down that year and composed another Christmas letter and sent it out to select friends. Since you all are my select friends, I will share part of that letter with you and beat everyone else in Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Unofficial Christmas Epistle
by Scott Crumley, Howard and Gene
The First Christmas card we got this year had such a wonderful Christmas message, I just had to sit down and write this letter. It was a heart warming, tear in the eye story about having to put to death your old faithful dog. Angela read it and got all choked up. I read it and wondered why in the world would anyone mail out such a sad story as a Christmas letter. Then along came Howard and Gene. Now, I do not know Howard or Gene from Adam and the Serpent in the Garden, but they too were sending out a real appropriate Christmas letter. I shall share a few lines in a moment. Normally, I would not laugh at such a sad letter, but come on, it is Christmas for God's sake. I have to admit, the more I read the harder I laughed. I almost choked myself laughing so hard. Does that mean I am sick or does Howard and Gene have a corner on the Christmas gloom? I carefully tucked it in a folder and rushed home to copy the words off the page. It seemed that the paper they chose was not going to work for the letter because the ink was not sticking to the page and it was quickly smearing off with every turn of every page. I had to preserve the sentiments before they were gone like the eggnog around my house.
Merry Christmas
To each of you, Howard and I send out warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and a healthy, happy 1998!
Wa are thankful to be alive and kicking---no matter how feeble the kicks. Without devoted family, neighbors and friends, no kicks would be possible.
At this time last year, I called Dallas and Nickolette in desperation. I knew I could not see well enough to write notes and address Christmas cards for the holiday season. As usual, they came to my rescue. Dallas designed cards and printed them on his computer. At the end of July we lost Dallas to a heart attack. After being a member of the family over 50 years, he is sorely missed by us all.
1997 was a rough year for us -- we came home with the flu, from the farm, in January. Howard never fully recovered until after a short stay in the hospital in May.
We were not able to return to the farm but one week in April. After two days, Howard got sick and we went back to Austin. Finally on October 5th, with Danny, Candy and Sam, their oldest son, we made it back to the farm. Howard had lost a great deal of strength in his legs and continues suffering much pain there. His remaining foot gave us a scare in the summer, but it got better (by his will, so he could be at the farm for hunting season). But, December 1, another place broke out on his leg. He may have to have it removed this next year. I am not sure what I am going to do if that happens.
Once over the flu, I have been better since receiving low vision aids and getting over some of my frustration from the loss of sight in one eye.
Socks, out cat, is as wild as ever. She is a lot of company with all her antics! Currently, we are having trouble taking care of her since I am blind and Howard no longer can walk. It is our hope that one of our dear friends or relatives will be able to come and help us change the litter box every week, this winter.
We thank God for each of you, and ask his blessings on you and yours this coming year.
Love Howard and Gene
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