Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I will tell your future for 24 cents.....

My Wife always said I should set up a booth outside of our home. It could be like that one Lucy set up as a Psychologist in the Peanuts neighborhood... and I could charge 25 cents to deliver messages of gloom and doom. I have considered that lately, but I have decided to just let this one be on the house. I am going to tell you a series of things I have heard that may make your hair stand up or make you laugh insanely. You can do what you like.

First off, the good news is that the World is going to not explode any time soon.  But, that will not matter since the World is going to Hell in a hand basket within the next 20 months. Here is what is going to happen....the twist is at the end.

Oil is going to $200 a barrel which will translate for us to about $8.00 a gallon. The American dollar is going to be dropped at the World's Reserve Currency. That is a given. What it is replaced with is unknown to me at the moment. I bet an old dog with bad breath that someone out there knows. The Middle East is just the beginning of the disruption of sanity. It will spread. It will come to America. Those countries at risk will fall like dominos. Oh, and by the way, if you have investments, they will all be worth only the paper they are printed on by the end of 2012. Gold and Silver is going to show a nice profit. The investments part is going to upset some Arabic T-Bill holders when their investments that they have been obligated to purchase from us goes south. You can thank Henry Kissenger for that sweet deal. He knew how to screw the World and he did it. Don't blame me. He did not ask my opinion. Did he ask you? Anyway, food is not going to be in a shortage position. Your ability to pay for it will be a bit iffy. America will become like a third world nation and China will take over as the top dog in the World. They just made a great deal with Russia to supply all their oil and gas. The big Oil Companies (who are behind this mess) are going to start more domestic production when the Saudis decide they do not like us any longer and cut off our Oil. We will have plenty of Oil. The bad thing for us is that it is going to still be expensive. I heard that it will cost them about 16 cents per barrel to produce it, but they will be selling it to us at a premium price. That is when domestic uprising is going to get going. The times will be ripe for a strike against us and you can bet it will happen. A big bunch of us are going to get hurt and the conflict will escalate to a real World War unlike any we have been involved in before. But, not to worry... that war will stop abruptly because the one Wild Card factor that none of the players involved have considered will happen. The Kill Shot. Did I mention that the Sun is going into overdrive next year. I believe if you check, you will read about a recent Class X Solar Flare that hit the Earth in a somewhat glancing blow. It caused some outages in China and Europe. Nothing major. The big one is coming after the conflicts get to rolling. It will be so big that we all will be knocked back to the stone age. And, we can all start it all over again. Whew! How was that for a quarter's worth of gloom and doom.

Now you ask me how I know all this insane stuff... well, I listen to influential people ramble on and by connecting the dots, you can come up with the same timeline.  First, there was the now deceased Kenneth Fromm. He was the former CEO of Atlantic Richfield Oil. He outlined all the oil stuff and the Middle Eastern conflict stuff before he died. You can read what he said in a book entitled, Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams (his good friend and confidant). Next, you can hear about the domino effect and the coming decline of the American economy from Porter Stansberry of Stansberry Investments. He recently put out a nice video which is about to be banned by our government entitled The End of America...and you can watch it at ENDOFAMERICA3.COM.  Now, he is not the only fellow saying this. I could list about 5 economists who have been warning all this was coming but I will let you go find them on your own. <hint: George Humphrey, Ron Paul, Dr. Stanley Montief, Dr. Paul C. Roberts (father of Reaganomics), Mark Faber, Webster Tarpley, Andrew Gause, Mitch Battros, and a whole army of other fellows in the know. And, finally, the big news about our Sun has been provided by two sources...NASA and the wildcard, Major Ed Dames (former Psi-Spy with the Department of Defense, Remote Viewing detail). Ed Dames told us about the Kill Shot years ago and he still stands by it. Here is what you can watch for as a sign it is going down.... the space shuttle will not be flying any longer....oops, that is already happening.... and if one or two more missions still get to go up, one will be forced down by an event.... that is the predicted event that will herald the coming Kill Shot. Wow! Now that is a revelation worth researching.

I gave up television and began reading and listening to interviews of different people about 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years or so, I have heard hundreds of interviews from hundreds of unique sources. I have a view of the World that is not the normal view you might have.  You see, you have been brainwashed by NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX. Here is a little bit of information you may not be aware of. All those networks are owned by big corporations who could care less about real news. Thus the entertainment factor associated with what used to be the newscast. They are not going to report on real issues because some of those real issues need to be kept quiet by the corporations.  They are the man behind the curtain saying .... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Dorothy.

Makes you Mad, doesn't it? I have received an alternate degree, acquired over the past 10 years in a new subject area....politicoscientifichistoricalparanormalreality studies. It comes with a certificate and a diploma and I have my robes and hat to boot.... It required years of studies and lots of Uh Huh moments. The connect the dots class was my favorite. You would have like it too. You see, they give you pieces to a big puzzle in very small bits and pieces from a hundred different places. You think at first they all have nothing to do with each other and then all of a sudden, you begin to see a pattern. This bit fits with that bit and this remark explains this other statement which dovetails with this idea or observation that sprung out of this line of study and research....and finally, you have the big picture. It is hard to put it all into words because frankly, it is a really big complicated picture. Holy Cow...excuse me if you are Hindu...I still am working out the missing details. 

So, for another 25 cents, I will tell you how you can escape the insanity. I came across the answer by accident and I am keeping that one to myself. Oh, is late and I HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW.... I hate to leave you hanging but I guess I am no better than the mega banker/oil super rich that are guiding the events of the day. Pleasant dreams. 

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