I have a sore throat. It all started this morning. It feels like I have a piece of brillo pad stuck on my throat somewhere around where the sinuses drains into the throat. So, I have been treating it with hot coffee. Amazing how well hot coffee works for sore throats. There are side effects from my treatment....being wired. Oh Momma I feel good, except that my throat is still a little sore. I believe the causative factor is allergies. How is that for a diagnosis. Let me state for the facts that I am not a Doctor, but I kind of play one every day at work. 30 plus years of practicing Pharmacy gives you a bit of a different twist on life. Funny thing is, I really like for people to try to keep from getting sick in natural ways like eating correctly, getting exercise, getting plenty of rest, staying well hydrated with good water, laughing at every chance, forcing yourself to try new things to keep the mind active, reading good books and listening to good music (but not too loudly), staying away from dangerous situations, using your old noggin to have some common sense, etc etc etc....
My Wife is a firm believer in good nutrition to stay healthy. She never gets sick unless I bring home something that is very virulent and that is not too often. I have herd immunity to most things. I probably have been exposed to every disease in North America that is common except a few really bad ones. I don't get sick very often. I try to just fight things off if I do get sick with rest and water and rest and food and rest and music and rest and rest and rest. I may have to go get some medicine....
forgive the interruption...but we had to go out for medicine....
Tonight we went for the cure at a new treatment facility called Cheddar's Casual Cafe. I had the ultimate cure all, Hot Chicken Pot Pie. Ok, I know, I am a vegetarian...flog me. There is nothing like either hot chicken noodle soup or Chicken Pot Pie to soothe a sore throat. And, now that I am home, it does not hurt except that I AM SO STUFFED, I CAN HARDLY MOVE. Tomorrow I will go back to being a good vegetarian.
Talking about chickens brings to mind the subject of vaccines for the flu. Did you hear about the new vaccine they are talking about releasing? It is going to be a Universal Flu Vaccine. I do not know all the details yet, but it already makes me a little suspect of how it might work. I heard a quick, non-scientific description of its mechanism of action the other day. It seems it is a live virus. It goes in and destroys sites in the body which are portals for virus entry. I could be wrong about that and so do not quote me on that. But, if that is how it works, I have to see what the side effects of such an action might be. Those sites may be important for other things other than virus attachment. And speaking of attachments...don't forget that Monday is Cupid's Big Day, Valentines Day. I already gave my Honey her gift the other day and I actually think she loved it. I drove about 50 miles, here and there purchasing the components to the gift and I have to confess, I enjoyed the shopping trip. I think I might go buy her special gifts all year round since this is coming up on the end of the Mayan calendar and that famous date of December 2012. You saw the movie, right? Spend like there is no tomorrow....
Anyway, how does all this tie together? Well, it is Winter and it is Flu Season and It is Valentines coming up...so, here is my advice for you all. Wrap up, avoid sick people, drink a big glass of water and One: take your special someone out for a really good meal. Two: buy her or him a cup of hot tea or coffee with that romantic meal. Three: While out, listen to some sweet music or if none is available, sing a sweet song to the one you love expressing your love for him or her. Four: Don't forget a card expressing your love and perhaps a wonderful little gift (skip the pink panties guys...think of her and not yourself for a change). Five: Get home early and go to bed and get some rest...Hey, get your mind out of the gutter there.... Six: Be sure to give your significant loved one a kiss and a hug and tell him or her you Love Them before you doze off. If you have false teeth, don't fall asleep with them in your mouth. If you have a sore throat, just do that French thing of kissing the air next to their ears....Seven: Be sure your little Rat Terrier is warm, nestled there between you and your significant other and don't roll over on her during the night. Eight: Dream sweet dreams and get up early the next morning and make the coffee for a change.... Let's see, did I cover everything? Yep!
Ok, I am off to bed for I have one more day of work this week. If you have a question for the Doctor, leave it in the comment section below. Where is that box of tissues?
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