I came home today sick. I think it is allergies but then, who knows these days what you can get exposed to. But, that is not what I am writing about tonight. I wanted to speak of a whole variety of things but most of which, I am not allowed to speak of, so, I shall stick to a subject that is timely.... living for the moment.
I could not help but think of how life has changed in our time, yet it is all the same as before, just painted with a different facade. Everyone seems to be connected these days via some sort of social network. I guess this blog is a sort of social network node, even if I am never sure just how many are reading it. All day long, I work with young people who are really connected. They have lives which they live to the maximum. Their cell phone is a part of their lives to an extent that is hard for me, as an old fellow to understand totally. They text. They check email. They listen to voice messages. They make and receive calls all while doing everything else that life asks of them. They multi-task to an extent that I can only dream of. That brought to mind a report I heard today about how the entire world is becoming one big social network. Then, of course, the movie is out...Social Network. It all seems to flow together in my mind.
Even the events that are shaping the history of this day and age and this particular time involves social networks.
One of those experts that give commentary and trends and news and opinion said today that,
"the next war we face, in our time, will be a war covered on Twitter and Facebook instantly". He remarked of how the networks, in place right now are driving and fueling the, so called, revolutions in the Middle East and soon in Europe and eventually, right here in the USA. Revolution? Is that what this is all about?
We see something, we say something. I am not talking about that new order that is coming down from Homeland Security, being broadcast on tele-screens at Walmart. I am talking about real people in real time seeing something and telling their friends immediately. It spreads exponentially. It spread so fast in Egypt that Mr. Mubarak had to shut down the internet in order to control the crowds and the events. Now, where did that get him? He is out of power now, despite the fact that he did not want to leave.
He fled to Israel and immediately suffered a Stroke. Bingo, his social network falls about him at his feet. But, that is the serious social networking of the world. That is the frightening social networking of the world. That is the social networking that catches the lies of the world and tells friends to watch out and don't believe what is happening.
I have to wonder where we are headed. Are we in the moment? Are our lives being lived to the max? I don't feel like doing much tonight. I actually want to take a hot bath and crawl into the darkness and join my other social networking site of sleep. Which brings me to the point I wanted to really talk about. While the world revolves quickly in every way around you, I seek a slower place to escape and it is a humdinger of a place to go.
While the Federal folks can pull down 84,000 websites as a test of their new
Kill Switch, they cannot pull down the one site I enjoy the most, which is firmly and safely hidden away from hackers and regulators in my mind. I have found that I can live to a fuller extent by experiencing part of life on the other side.
In the shadows of the night, when we dream, we enter a very real world of an alternate consciousness. It has no limits or boundaries. I once read a wonderful book entitled,
The Unobstructed Universe. It was written by a man who had lost his wife to this world. She crossed over to the other side and remarkably remained in contact with him for while through a Medium. It was not a work of fiction. It was a real account of his dealings with his soulmate. She described everything she was experiencing and tried her best to explain it all to her husband. When I first read that book, I read it with an open mind. I tried my best to understand what she was telling him and at first I could not comprehend. Then, I started experimenting with lucid dreaming and perhaps even out of body travels. I have no idea if that is what I am really experiencing or not. But, I find it to be a great adventure in my dream world. I have not limits in my Unobstructed Universe. Funny thing, I just experience life in a normal way over there. It is not exotic to me. It seems very normal. I just step through that membrane of consciousness and hardly want to come back here. You see, to live for the moment means to experience every second as if it is the only second you have left. I do that there. I try to bring back that philosophy to here, but it is not always easy to do. I am awake there. I am asleep here, all too often.
The social network on the other side is interesting. It does not require a contract with AT&T or a smart phone or a laptop. It is instantaneous, working at the speed of thought. Remarkably, if I need to spread a message, it is done just by thinking it and the image forms in my vista. I am only now beginning to experiment with being able to adjust and change my world over there. For the most part, I have been exploring that world at my own pace and stupidly on foot, up to now. I did manage to borrow a car a while back. Yet, if I had listened to Betty, I would have realized that you only need to expand your mind and you are there in the moment, instantaneously. Unobstructed!
In this world, we all need to start to think in those terms. We need to seek that Unobstructed avenue of life here. I bet you could sit down right now with a pen and paper and list hundreds of obstructions in your life. Right at the top would be all the new governmental restrictions in the world, if it were my list. But, let me try to impart a bit of wisdom from my own experience, which I often forget for stretches of time. Change the way you see
this world and the
next. Don't look at the obstructions. Look only at the possibilities. Make your focus a positive one and remarkably the obstructions disappear. My Wife would be the first to say that I do not practice what I preach. She is right. It is hard to change. But, I am trying very hard to do that. It is hard to do here. It is easy to do over there.
Imagine this.... you can make your world into anything you desire if only you would set your heart and mind to it. Don't be too greedy. Start small and build upon that. In my dream world, I have seen massive cities built over millennia that once were great dreams but fell apart. I have walked streets that were vacant with houses left standing on either side of the street abandoned just as they had been when the dream of the owner died. I can sense the life that once existed. I can feel the emotions. I know what was there but is not any longer. I walked those streets like an apparition at times, with inhabitants all around me oblivious to my presence. I have walked through graveyards and felt sad at all the departed buried there. I have seen empty ruins, shells of that city where once was a bustling life but now is only destroyed dwellings. I often wondered what had happened in that city. It was too much for me to own, but then I realized that what I was seeing was the composite of many dreams from many minds. I pulled back a bit and started to look for what was my own over there. I found the most rewarding thing I could build was not physical but spiritual. I am not talking religious. I am talking from the soul. Deep down inside we all have a dream we have not realized yet. Start small. Take it a step at a time. Build a piece of your dream and feel it. As you grow in spirit, you will soon see what I was talking about above. There are no obstructions. Step over them. Leave them to those who built them to put in your way. That is their dream, not yours. Those are their barriers, not yours.
Also, you have to come to realize that dreams change. That is a part of life. What once was, will not always be. Your dream might evolve over time, and take it from me,
TIME IS NOT REAL. Over there, you will find that our linear concept of time is meaningless. It is a restriction we have built on this side of the veil. Over there, time does not exist. All of what you consider time here is just road signs tacked onto experiences here. Over there, it is just the experience and it has no restriction of having occurred then or now or in the future, because you just don't have to think that way. Anything is possible. Everything is possible. Zap, you can bring that understanding to this world too. The social network you operate in will allow you to be all that you can be and experience all that you want to experience if only you would allow it to happen. What you think about,
you can bring about. My only warning to you is that you should
think about what you want and not what you think this world would want you to think about. After all, it is your dream, your desire, your Unobstructed Universe.
Let me go a step further, that thinking I was just speaking about, well, imagine it as Love. Love is a force that cannot be totally defined. It is a combination of so many things which are different for everyone. But, that force is like magnetism. It attracts. It attracts people, and things and feelings, and emotions, and a whole Universe full of stuff. It is a silver cord binding you to everything else. You think and form an image in your mind's eye and that is what you begin to build and/or attract. The image can be a physical something or a conceptual idea. It can be something you can touch or something you have to touch with your heart only. It can be held in your arms or only in your mind....remember, there is no limit to what you can bring to your table.
Once I stood on a golf course by myself, one dark stormy night. I was at a dance in my home town and had wanted to get away from the music and the crowd for a moment. If I remember correctly, I had recently broken off a relationship and I was trying to cope with that. Feeling sorry for myself was a big thing back then. I guess we all feel that way at times. I wanted a bit of space to let those dark emotions come to the surface. I walked out from under the Pavilion where the band was playing and found myself looking up into the heavens at an approaching thunderstorm. The thunder was just barely audible. The brilliant light of the lightening was very visible. I was fascinated by the power and the majesty of that world that existed at that moment in those towering clouds. Pitch darkness was all around me and yet flashes of marvelous light made everything clear for brief moments that night. I found myself talking. I was talking to God. I was talking to myself. I forgot about those feelings of loss. I was moving on in my mind and the thunderstorm was a message. I wanted that storm to come closer so that I might feel the power. It did. I have no idea how many people were running for cover that night as the first drops of rain began to fall in the darkness. I just stood there and experienced the moment. For a change, I was having what I wanted and my Universe consisted of darkness and power and light and thunder and thoughts. There are things in life that are far greater to experience. Years later, I saw a movie entitled
The Tempest which drew upon dreams and desires and change and finding yourself and those storms that blow up in life. Remarkable. I could identify with the entire story. I was the master of my world.
Craft your destiny. We might have to live in a different world here soon. The winds of change seem to be blowing rather strongly. Who knows what that construct of time will mark for us in the future. But, at least now you have an idea to build upon. Put it away in your heart and sleep on it tonight. And, if you find yourself wandering in an Unobstructed Universe, enjoy it.