Reading this article, I was finding myself picturing the Neanderthal much like the picture used as the illustration in this article. I had to stop myself and wipe that image out of my mind. Let me tell you a bit of archeological fact that I know you have not heard about because it is just too dangerous to divulge by those who discovered it. I can say without a doubt that there was indeed an advanced civilization on this planet long before 15000 years ago. You see, we all are a result of the last great catastrophe this world suffered. What you see is what was left over. But, if you do some reading you will see stories and myths and histories that just do not fit the current line of thinking. Based upon what was written in India, there once was a very advanced social structure here on Earth and something major happened. In a blink of an eye, we were blasted back into a condition of survival. Clothing was worn until if wore out and we were left to cloth ourselves with whatever we could find or make by hand. The global condition of mankind was bleak. And, it is obvious, we almost became extinct.
You don't believe that do you? Well, picture this. Let us say, one out of ever 500 people on Earth survive and all the rest just die and are lost in a blink of an eye. The survivors are a randomly selected group that leave mankind with a mixed bag of knowledge and resources. What do you do now? You make the best of the situation that you can. Perhaps there is a Doctor or just a Nurse left alive. There are some people with science knowledge and perhaps a spiritual leader and a housewife and a school teacher from the 6th grade level....etc.... You now have to rebuild society with what is available. Imagine how hard that will be.
Appearances are misleading at times. If there is no paper and pencils left, then how do you chronicle the history you are living after the great catastrophe? How do you pass along a knowledge base for future generations if you have no way of writing them down. You pass along what you can by word of mouth. Speaking of which, how do you pass along a story if you do not speak the language it is being told in? Imagine living in Texas when this happens and you suddenly find that some survivors speak English and Spanish, and a variety of other languages and no one seems to understand the others. Imagine what things would be understood completely and remembered and passed along. It is not going to be a complete story. We in essence would have to almost start over. Eventually, people would not be able to read any longer. We might have to use pictographs or glyphs to communicate important ideas. We might have to carve those pictures on stone and store them in a cave. We might only be living in caves for that matter if we have no tools left to build with.
Logic leads you to believe that only the most important things will be taught and passed along from generation to generation. Eventually, that knowledge will become wrapped in a mystical story that will be protected by a group which might become the new religious or spiritual leader. You see, we have those things today and we don't realize their purpose.
Anyway, this was an interesting idea expressed here.
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