Saturday, April 30, 2011

INCREDIBLE. Man struck by lightning and walks away

I love thunderstorms! I think I have told this story several times. When I was about 4, my hometown of Lampasas, Texas was hit by a severe flood caused by a huge rain event. I still can remember that night the flood struck. I remember like it was just yesterday, standing in the garage with my Father looking out at the lightening and hearing the thunder and seeing the torrents of rain falling. It imprinted my psyche to this very day. I think that is why I love thunderstorms so much. It is the Power of the Storm that makes you feel alive. Perhaps that is why I also loved the movie THE TEMPEST. I am talking about the version that featured an unusual retelling of the Shakespearean tale set in Manhattan, and the Greek Isles. "Show me the power...."

Anyway, this poor soul is very lucky if this is a real video. Wow!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Armadillos pass leprosy to humans, study finds

Armadillos pass leprosy to humans, study finds

Oh My God! As a kid, I used to pride myself in being able to catch Armadillos by hand. It is not all that hard. You have to be quick. You have to be smart. You have to be quiet. And, you have to be able to hold on when you grab them by the tail. I do not know when I caught my first Armadillo. I chased it down and grabbed it by the tail and flipped it over in my hand and it calmed down. You can scratch their bellies and they seem to like that....I think. Anyway, this study is not new. I have known about the Leprosy connection for years. Everybody in Texas knew this to be a fact. Heck, I used to laugh that I might get Leprosy after all the Armadillos I have caught over the years. Armadillos were not the only thing I caught. I remember once catching a Turkey.
Beautiful little Gobbler
 Now, what the heck do you do with a live Turkey you have tucked under your arm? Well, I drove to the local hangout known as the Dairy Cue and had a coke with this wild Turkey sitting in the seat of my pickup truck next to me. You had to watch out for the pecks and the wing flapping. When I arrived home with the bird, my Mother went wild and told me to let "that thing" go. I did. It headed out over our back fence and high tailed it for the country. I do not hurt animals. I do not hunt. I do not fish. I prefer to see animals in the wilds, alive. The last thing I caught was a House Finch which had got into the Pottery workshop in Moulton. I tried my best to shoo it out but it would not cooperate. So, I waited till it got dark and crawled up on a ladder and grabbed it by hand and took it outside and let it go. I tell this story because just this morning, Angela sent me a picture of a Hummingbird she caught and rescued the same way. Birds like to fly into the workshop and then they seem to forget how to fly out again. We may become more like the Wild Kingdom than Studio 719, down there in the country. Well, that is the way things are these days. Now where are those new pair of tennis shoes? I think I remember that there were some Armadillos in the backyard down there the last time I was down.......
Angela's rescued Hummingbird

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Louis Armstrong - When You're Smiling

The Master performs.....

Mighty Aphrodite Ending

It is my philosophy of life.... if everything around you seems to be turning to .... well, put on some music and dance around the house. I tend to pick music that is from my childhood and which just makes me feel good. We all have that memory of some song which made us feel good in the past. I just happen to have many. I love music.

Lonnie Donegan - Does Your Chewing Gum Lose it's Flavour?

Not exactly the version I remember from my childhood....but it is a funny one....

Chewing Gum Economics and Other Stretched Truths

Get out a pencil and a piece of paper and write this number down....are you ready?


Ok, now get to work because that is the amount of money every family in the United States owes for your share of the debt of our country.  

Wow, does that make you shudder? It does me, except I have to be honest, I am just not going to worry about it. You have to understand that the debt really belongs to the big Mega Banks and not the taxpayers.

When I was a kid, they had a clock that ticked away noting how close we were getting to the end of it all due to a possible nuclear exchange between us and the Soviets. That Atomic destruction clock was a source of fear for every little kid in the nation. Then along came a ticker that showed the Federal Debt and I just ignored that because the number was just too big, even back then. It just kept running on and on and the number kept getting bigger and bigger. Now, the ticker must be extra large in size because a number that big is almost beyond comprehension by the general public. Heck, most people can't decide where to put the commas to denote the differences between thousands and millions and  billions....let alone, quadrillions. I heard an economist say the true debt (including all the derivatives that the Federal Reserve system has just created as debt) is $1.5 quadrillion. Holy Smokes!

You have to admit that we are in deep doo doo with our economy. Ok, I am going to have to stop listening to these economists. They are very depressing. But, if you don't like what you hear, just change the channel and you will hear another story that pretty much sugar coats the whole economic issue. Bottom line, things are not so good.  Did you catch the fact that gold and silver went up today? I believe that gold hit an all time historical high today at one point ($1527/ oz.). Do you realize that silver has gone from $5 an ounce just a matter of a few years ago to $47 an ounce as of today?  Man, don't you wish you had stocked up on gold and silver a few years back?

Did you hear that coffee has hit a high in commodity pricing that is the highest in the last 37 years. And, I believe that wheat futures have almost doubled...that is probably due to the crop failures in Russia, China and parts of Africa. Gasoline is still holding its price here in Austin at around $3.69 per gallon for the cheap stuff. But, did you catch that comment from one of the Federal Reserve presidents who stated that he anticipates that gasoline will hit $7.00 per gallon by the end of next year? I hope I get a raise in pay to cover the cost of going to work.

Over all, it is kind of gloomy out there in your world. So, what does all this mean for me? Well, I remember a line from a book I read years ago....."Fear is the mind must let it pass through...."
I remember a line stated by one of our illustrious Presidents back when my Father was a brave young fellow.... "We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself....." It is all this fear mongering which is killing us a little at a time. Take a deep breath and just let it go. You have to realize that if you are not willing to stand up and do something about the condition of your world, then you just have to let it all go and ride the wave. You may not like where it washes you up on shore, but at least, we all will be in the same place....up that proverbial creek without a paddle or a boat or our swim trunks... and if you look as bad as I do naked, then you better develop a good sense of humor.

I was just talking to my old Dog Sweet Wife is out of town... and I was telling her all this and that she was going to have to cut back on her treats and the amount of grapes she eats... that did not sit well with her. She said back to me...."Rufffff.....whine whine whine whine....I need to go outside and visit the bushes....." I thought about that for a moment and got up and took her outside and came back to this computer to write a bit more and finish my steamed asparagus and rice with chunks of eggplant and pinto beans, along with a glass of almond milk (can't drink cow's milk any longer because of the potential radioactive never know where those cows have been putting their lips). Thank the Powers that least the President released his Birth Certificate today. I believe I will be able to sleep better tonight knowing that the copy of that document is finally out in the open.

"Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? If your Mother says don't chew it do you swallow it in spite?"

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Can you Hear me Now?

In this world, there are many things seen but not understood. I would like to confuse you with a bit of philosophy of one who guides me from time to time. Let begin with POWER. We do not know true power until we escape the bonds of this world. When you realize these bonds, you have taken the first step. Now you will witness the power that exists which is beyond your human imagination. It will appear on the horizon as a glow, depending on just how far you have wandered away from the source. It is that glow that will draw you to it. Then you shall begin to hear the sound current that indicates your closeness to the power. It could be compared to walking through a desert and coming upon one last tall dune and as the light of the day has long since past, you can see a brilliance illuminating the crest of the dune. You are curious and so you walk upwards towards the light. As you get closer to the dune crest, you begin to hear a rushing roar of a great river which must be flowing just over the dune top, in the river valley below. You cannot see the complete picture yet, but you know that there is a tremendous light and sound just ahead. Perhaps it is paradise. Let me stop there in my confusing story. My guide always reminds me that the journey is a long one, but a rewarding one. That is so true

Physics has been moving our understanding of the reality of the physical universe closer to a less hazy place. Modern theory has it that a multitude of possible dimensions exist, all at the same time in differing frequencies. That is, they exist in differing states of energetic layers. It is the wave form of life of the universe. Your eyes cannot perceive what they cannot see and your ears cannot hear what is out of range of the biological nature of yourself.  As humans, we only see in the visible spectrum and hear in a narrow audible frequency range. That does not negate the existence of other frequencies that exist all around us left to be detected only with the aid of specialized equipment. Yet, in my world the power that is out there is known because I do not seek it using anything other than the observational equipment of the soul. What prompted this thought were two things. I heard a report today regarding Mr. Kisinger and his depression over the way his global plan is failing due to the observation of the plan by more and more citizens of the world. It seems that there is indeed a higher order of humans who seek to dominate. I do not make this up. I  heard it from the lips of the man himself and from a speech given in public, broadcast on CSpan.  His Power is placed in the the wrong frequency. He, and others, seek power through means which goes against the global consciousness. It is the community of mankind in relation to the Source, where the true power lays. I seek the power which exists in the light of a million suns and the roar of the sound current. We all seek our power there. When we leave this energy level, we need to be prepared to realize where we are. We need to seek understanding now so that one day we will be finished with our journey here and able to continue over there. This time of year, the world celebrates the Ressurection of the Christ. The example of the Son of God and his realization of the immortality of the soul and the Power that pulls us upwards to a higher Power is a prime example of what I speak of. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven. Seek ye always the source of all enlightenment. Ride the wave in the light. Hear the current and feel the true power. Fear not.

This past week, I picked up a new book. It is a fascinating read. The title is, "The Sphinx Mystery, The Forgotten Origins of the Sanctuary of Anubis" by Robert and Olivia Temple. For those of you who are not familiar with the work of Robert Temple, you do not know what you are missing. His work has spanned decades. I have now consumed several of his books: The Sirius Mystery, The Crystal Sun, and other archeological works. He is a very thorough researcher and writer. By the end of his books, you have a whole new outlook on the past and a better understanding of the lost bits and pieces of humanity. In conjunction with other writers, I always manage to gain something new to add to that ever growing knowledge base in my old brain. Bits and Pieces! People tend to ignore bits and pieces. I try to gather them all up and arrange them in some sort of comprehensible pattern. The truth of the matter is, we as humanity have been struggling for a very long time with POWER and balance. We seek things for different reasons. We gain power and abuse it. We rise and we fall here on this planet, and yet there is a common thread which is woven around every person and group on the face of the Earth....seeking a spiritual center. Religions have come and gone. They exist and then they die. They bring understanding and then is all falls apart. Somewhere way back in our past, we faced a wall. That wall was devastating for our species. There was a before and an after. We may never know the full story of the before. We do know the particulars of the after. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, all will be made evident. For those who are wandering further and further away, distracted by the sights and sounds of other forces, they will be oblivious. This brings me back to my guiding voice.

Jesus spoke in parables to the masses. Have you ever wondered why? The Church carried that form of education forward, ie. the Stations of the Cross. I do not want to get religious here. I just want to make a point.  The frequencies of understanding are as difficult to comprehend as the different frequencies of the natural world are to perceive to our limited biological form.  It is that stepping back onto a path towards a higher level of energy that drives us all towards bliss. I know some will understand this. If you want to argue the bits and pieces...fine. But, not now and not with me. I am not a scholar of the ways. I am just a traveller. I am bound to another and I bind others yet to stand and walk. I am not worthy to follow, and yet inside of me is the Master waiting to shine. I am ignorant in my words, but then why speak? Somethings are best left unsaid and comprehended within, with no words ever uttered. I can feel it and it embraces me as I embrace it. It is like a magnetic attraction. I draw it closer and it draws be tight. I take one step forward and it takes two to meet me. It is a mutual Love. It is a gravity wave. It is a Power, an energy, a real thing. I do not own it. It does not own me. We are one as much as we are two. It is a private affair that remains silent and personal. You can proclaim it on the highest hill and yet the truth of the matter is this.... no words really can explain it. It is everything to you and nothing to others.

Celebrate the Season. Be confident in yourself. Love! Seek! Relax and begin to live as you were meant to live. Eye open, ears cocked, voice clear, song loud.  Be humble and and walk quietly. Listen to your heart. Know that THE POWER IS WITHIN US ALL.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It is in the Air

Do you taste something funny in your mouth these days? I do. I have this ozone taste in my mouth and it is driving me nuts. Which brings me to a story that evolved the other night. I was sound asleep and all of a sudden, I awoke to a nagging question which was winding its way through my mind. Where had I visited a nuclear fuel storage facility? Yes, I had done that sometime in the past, but for the life of me I could not remember where or when. You see, I have run into many interesting folks over the years who have shown me stuff that the normal public never sees. Don't ask me how this happens, it just does. I have been in the bowels of power facilities most of my childhood. My Dad worked for the Lower Colorado River Authority. I have been around high voltage all my life. Anyway, this puzzle has me stumped. Was it back in the 60s when I was a kid? Was it in Austin at the Balcones Research Center, with a Chemist, James Jackson? Was it at the University of Texas back in the 70s with an engineer, Myron Jackson? Was it in Houston with my Uncle, who worked on designing piping for Naval ships? Where the heck was it? Some place I remember but I cannot remember where. I remember the deep pool of water and the grid of fuel rods stored deep down on the bottom. I remember the robotic device that moved the rods. I remember that eerie blue glow that could be seen in the depths of that water. Am I dreaming this memory? I don't think so. I remember going in with a small group. I remember being a bit afraid to lean too far over while looking down into that water. I remember the discussion as to what I was seeing. I remember the adults talking about the future of nuclear power. I remember the enclosure and the railing and the smell.... Ozone is a part of my life. Hydrogen is a part of my life. Electrostatic energy is a part of my life. I remember watching my Dad closing circuits and the zap of the contacts sparking was always amazing. 138000 volts of power with some whopping big amperage behind it gets your attention. I never made any mistakes when I was a kid. My youngest brother did once and got blown off a pole when he made contact with a live wire. It knocked the wind out of him as he hit the ground but he survived. My other brother was burned severely by a flash fire caused by a mist of water which came in contact with a high voltage power panel, causing a flash fire. He was not as fortunate as my youngest brother. I never got hurt. I loved the feel and the smell and the sight of power stations. I stayed away from the work. I went in other directions in my life.

But have you noticed the taste lately? It is like I have been chewing on wiring with a slight charge running through it. I taste it right now. Gosh, there are so many strange things happening in this world. It is like a science fiction novel unfolding before my eyes every day. I will have to come back and add to this post in regards to the psychic I met yesterday. Fascinating woman. Frightening predictions.

Ok, I am home from work and have a little time. I have had too much coffee tonight and so I guess I will finish this post. So, the taste in the air is some sort of haze that has blown in from the Northwest. And, the psychic is another story. I am on a mission to find her some Iodine tablets. I have them ordered but they are not here yet. Anyway, that was how I met her. She was looking for Iodine for her nieces who are pregnant. We got to talking and that is when she told me she was psychic. I have a soft spot in my heart for such folks. I understand what their lives are like to a certain extent. Anyway, she told me of some of her funny predictions regarding pregnancies of her relatives. She always knows ahead of time when they are expecting. But, then she told me about how one relative is about to have a fatal experience and will not be around. That is the frightening revelation. She talked about how she does not always know when she is about to have a vision or a connection to the matrix. It just happens and for a moment she goes into a brief moment of fluidity of thought. During that period, she will often speak out what she is seeing without her even knowing what she is saying. When she comes out of the trance state, she asks what has been said. I was praying that she would not have one of her visions while talking to me. I used to want to know about such things. Not anymore. I prefer to align my own future. I, as you, can manifest your destiny and future. Anyway, I have to wonder what she has seen as far as this radiation event. I think it is not good since she is out looking for Iodine. That is enough for me to begin taking doses now. Dr. Russell Blaylock concurs with her too. He is saying that we all need to be taking Iodine .... NOW! I just am not sure about all that yet. I would hope that our health system will be telling us more soon. We shall just have to see.

Online Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Map

Online Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Map

Looks like South Austin got a pretty good dose.....of what, I don't know. A report out of Arizona was speaking about the cold front/dry line that blew through Austin today, which passed there 2 days ago. No elevated radiation was detected, but a nasty haze was in the air. I want to clarify something here. Normal background radiation counts per minute (CPM) is around 16 to 20 plus, so Austin has been fluctuating all day and I believe there is nothing to be alarmed about. If the readings on this map get above 100 you can rest assured that you are being exposed to some elevated radiation. I hope that puts some calm to your minds.

Online Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Map

Online Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Map

Click on this link to see real time radiation levels detected in Texas or anyplace in the USA

CENSORED: Japan evacuating now! Nuclear meltdown! Tokyo Evacuation! Japa...

3/30/2011 - VERIFIED in the USA - Radiation and Jetstream FORECAST UPDATE

This is the most telling video I have seen. Up to now, I have only been hearing these reports via my alternate News Sources. I knew they were getting information from some credible source that was actually showing movements of radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere. This contributor has done lots of work to put this all together and even though the website he is using is a forecast model site, it seems to be right on when it comes to predicted levels and actual levels. I want you to stop and think about what is being reported in the video. It seems to fit the few news reports that have been out there. Just one comes to mind that hit the newspapers LAST WEEK.... tainted milk was discovered in VERMONT and dairy farmers were ordered to dump the milk at designated radiation disposal sites. LAST WEEK!!!!! This disaster has been going on for weeks now and it has not stopped. There are 6 REACTORS involved. The amounts of radioactive particulates which have fallen on us so far is continuing and will continue until the reactor problems are solved. This stuff piles up, so to speak. It does not dissipate. Every time the wind blows, you are getting a dose of radiation into your lungs. Think about that for a moment. What does this mean. Well, the levels of cancer are going to go up in the World. I am sitting in Austin Texas right now, and last night a dry line blew across our area. We have not had rain for a while and so we need to think about what is in that dust and wind that blew in from our NORTH. If you look at the patterns of radiation spread, most has been to our NORTH. We just got a dose last night of radiation. I will leave this up to you to think and ponder for a while. It is criminal that we are not being warned about this by the news. Where is that old Civil Defense network we used to have? Information was key in the past. It is being withheld these days.

Giant UFO Hovering Over Fukushima Nuclear Plant, April 12.mp4

So what do you think? Is it real?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Graduation Gift

I have been out of pocket lately with my access to my ongoing dose of the real world. I got caught up this morning over my breakfast and coffee. Let me digress a moment. This is April. Tax collection day is coming in a day. Graduation from schools and colleges is about to happen in May. Gasoline prices rose this past week to $3.75 a gallon for the cheap stuff. Gas is sitting at $3.67 per gallon in South Austin as of last night. Well, here is  your dose of reality. The next country in the Middle East to fall will be Yemen. The King will be deposed and the Muslim Brotherhood will take over. Gasoline prices will continue to climb and by Memorial Day it will be hovering around $5.00 per gallon. Because of this, the economy will continue to crumble. Transportation cost rises will raise the price of everything. Jobs may begin to dry up more. The unemployment rate of people between the ages of 18 and 23 is at about 80% as of today. The overall real unemployment rate is over 23%. The Wall Street pundits are beginning to use the word DEFAULT in their interviews. When you see the Federal Reserve (a group of Private Banks which are a part of the real governing body of this country... not elected, not your representative in Washington DC) fail to sell U.S. Government issues to other countries (ie. Saudi Arabia and China) and are forced to begin to purchase those bonds and issues themselves.... it is all over! The U.S. Dollar will become practically worthless and we will have to default on our financial responsibilities as a country. Well, what does that mean for us all. We will become a poor nation. All you savings will be worth nothing.

Wow! That was a load for breakfast. So, my gift for all those graduates....DON'T QUIT YOUR CURRENT DAY JOB. You may be flipping burgers for a while until we work through all this and are rebuilt under the New World Order.  Be patient! I may not see it in my lifetime, but eventually you will. So, you don't believe all this? OK, I challenge you to turn off the television and this Summer while sitting around the pool with your free time, READ. Research all this for yourself. Be diverse in your reading materials. Pick and choose your sources. Start looking behind the curtain a bit more. Ask questions. Learn how to say NO. Watch World politics a bit more. Keep up with current events other than the latest standing of your favorite sports teams or who is the top pick of American Idol. Stop being mindlessly brainwashed by mainstream media. Remember, most of the TV networks are owned by the very mega companies who are pulling the strings behind the scenes. They don't want you to know the truth. They want you to hear what they want you to hear.

Have a good summer and remember.... stop wearing white shoes after Memorial Day.

"Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.... then it spreads from there until oil hits $200 per barrel...."  Ken From  (former CEO of a major Oil Company)

"We are going to show OPEC who is really in control of the price of Oil...."  Ken From

"There are about 12 people in the World who control the price of oil...." Donald Trump, on an interview with ABC recently...

"As the economy fails, You are going to find that the elite will be throwing you under the bus....That means that you will see that there are the elite taking control and then there are everyone else.... and I have news for you, you are everyone else..."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 2 of 5: Scientific Proof

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 3 of 5: Historical Proof

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 4 of 5: Surviving

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 5 of 5: Beyond 2012

Under Such Circumstances.....

I want to say a few words. Now, to my Tech of a few years, I know that concept will seem foreign. A FEW WORDS.... You see, we are about to have three of our beloved Techs leave for the real World. One already has departed to Motherhood and a new Nursing career. Wednesday, the second is about to leave the nest for a new career in Speech Therapy. Gosh, and I had so little time to try new speech impediments on her to see how she would have handled the diagnosis and the treatment. The third is going to leave in May for a new career guiding the lives of young juveniles, criminals, and social deviants. Wow! What a diverse group of young folks I have had the pleasure of working with.

Every time this event happens, I am very sad for a long time. I get attached! I am sorry. That is just the way I am. I get all wrapped up in their lives and it is like having one of my kids finally bail out of the nest and set off on their own. It hurts. They grow up and then they leave home and forget about their old Father (Father Scott) who is left to sit in front of a non-digital television set staring at a blank screen because the Federal Government decided that a non-analog broadcast was better for the general public. I will be sitting scratching my head wondering if I prepared them for the real world. It is down right depressing.

There have been many depart over the course of the last 30 years. Some I can barely remember now and some I remember like they were stuffed in the hall closet. There was that Tech with two different colored eyes who worked for me. She had blond hair and one blue eye and one green eye. I could not stop glancing from eye to eye when I talked to her, trying to decide which eye to look at, while trying not to look at her eyes... Then there was the tall lanky one who could not follow orders or instructions, who was hurting himself on a regular basis by falling over counters, and/or raising up and hitting his head on prescription bin drawers that he had opened as he bent down to pick something up off the floor. He had the hardest head I had ever seen. He left shortly after we told him to be careful and not press the panic button at the drive through window unless we were being held up or something like that. He was like that curious cat. He pressed the button one day, because it was there and he wanted to see what happened when you press the forbidden button. When half the law enforcement team in far West Travis county showed up one day with guns drawn to the Pharmacy, he discovered just what happens when you push the button. Then there was the one who was really good at solving computer problems for us. We decided that early on, we did not understand how that new computer system worked. So, one day, we decided to do a cleansing ritual on the system. It works for Shamans, why not computer systems. We dressed her up in a plastic table cover, tied a bandana around her head and put a feather duster in the headband, gave her a spatula to hold in her right hand and had her say some sort of ritualistic stuff and BINGO.... the system seemed to work better. Wait a minute! She has not left yet...she still works for me. Like I said, there have been many who have come and gone over the years...and some stay too.

But, to the Tech who is leaving this week. I have to say, she will be missed. She has been extremely fun to work with. She is our Chatterbox, with something interesting always to say. I have learned just how out of touch with the younger generation I really am since I have had the great good fortune to work with her. She is outspoken. She is witty. She is a wealth of useful information about almost any subject you can imagine. She knows how to gamble. She is a World traveller. She holds her own with the guys in the Pharmacy. She speaks several languages... English, Spanish, and some language spoken by those under the age of 30 years of age which baffles me because the words are familiar but the meanings are so different. I fear she is destined for greatness. I can see future generations flocking to her for guidance and education. And, I do not doubt she will give it.... in so many words. Wow! Did I mention that she is so loved by all of us at the Pharmacy and by those who trade with us and trust us with their health. She, along with the other two are going to be sorely missed by all. It will be like a huge hole in our lives to have them gone. I mean that!

So, I raise my glass of apple juice (which I need to take tonight to make my cholesterol medication work better) and say a toast to this young lady.... May the wind be at your back, May the hill rise before you, May you have the energy to make it up that hill without too much of a loss of breath. May the sun never blind your eyes and may your friends always text you (as long as you have a texting plan that is affordable). May you have a long memory of those who love you and may you never forget that some old Pharmacists appreciate all you have done and are eternally grateful for the friendship you gave them. Vaya con Dios!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

After The Rapture Pet Care Introduction

Here is the video.

In the Blink of an Eye

Don't laugh. I was sitting next to my dog today and I was watching a show about the End of the World. I hate shows like that. But, what I hate more is when pets get hurt during these shows. Little Fido gets roasted by some volcanic eruption or frozen by a sudden change in the temperature of the World.

Anyway, I was surfing the internet looking for a good article to read that would make me feel better after all the Doom and Gloom and I found this article about taking care of your pets after you are sucked up to Heaven by the Rapture. The Rapture Pet Care is a real plan to have a non-Christian volunteer come find your pet and take care of it after you are gone.

It only costs $10 and that is a bargain. I kind of like the idea. I could see a benefit in any situation where you might be taken to Heaven. Say you pass away and you want someone sweet to come take care of your pets. It could work. 

Don't worry about the Fat Chihuahua. She already is in Heaven.

Click on the link above and go watch the video on Youtube. I can see a movie in this. First, you would have a group of those left behind that would be stunned that the world seems a bit more empty. Then, it would hit them that they have a job to do. First, they have to determine who was taken and who stayed behind. Then, if the person is gone (those that registered would be easy to deal with), you have a race against time to find the pets. Little Fido is waiting in the livingroom. I bet there will be a mess on the floor but that will not matter. And, then there is the angle in the plot of the movie as to how you deal with the wide range of pets. Birds, dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, ferrets, foxes, skunks, snakes, iguanas, pet rocks, and who know what else.... It would be wild. 

I know as long as you had a chicken strip snack, my dogs would come to you. I am depressed now. You mean my pets are not coming along? Then, I might want to stay. Would I have to go to work? What about food? Can I still drink coffee? So many questions. So many answers.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A 100,000-Year-Old Civilisation? | Features | Fortean Times

A 100,000-Year-Old Civilisation? | Features | Fortean Times

Reading this article, I was finding myself picturing the Neanderthal much like the picture used as the illustration in this article. I had to stop myself and wipe that image out of my mind. Let me tell you a bit of archeological fact that I know you have not heard about because it is just too dangerous to divulge by those who discovered it. I can say without a doubt that there was indeed an advanced civilization on this planet long before 15000 years ago. You see, we all are a result of the last great catastrophe this world suffered. What you see is what was left over. But, if you do some reading you will see stories and myths and histories that just do not fit the current line of thinking. Based upon what was written in India, there once was a very advanced social structure here on Earth and something major happened. In a blink of an eye, we were blasted back into a condition of survival. Clothing was worn until if wore out and we were left to cloth ourselves with whatever we could find or make by hand. The global condition of mankind was bleak. And, it is obvious, we almost became extinct.

You don't believe that do you? Well, picture this. Let us say, one out of ever 500 people on Earth survive and all the rest just die and are lost in a blink of an eye. The survivors are a randomly selected group that leave mankind with a mixed bag of knowledge and resources. What do you do now? You make the best of the situation that you can. Perhaps there is a Doctor or just a Nurse left alive. There are some people with science knowledge and perhaps a spiritual leader and a housewife and a school teacher from the 6th grade level....etc.... You now have to rebuild society with what is available. Imagine how hard that will be.

Appearances are misleading at times. If there is no paper and pencils left, then how do you chronicle the history you are living after the great catastrophe? How do you pass along a knowledge base for future generations if you have no way of writing them down. You pass along what you can by word of mouth. Speaking of which, how do you pass along a story if you do not speak the language it is being told in? Imagine living in Texas when this happens and you suddenly find that some survivors speak English and Spanish, and a variety of other languages and no one seems to understand the others. Imagine what things would be understood completely and remembered and passed along. It is not going to be a complete story. We in essence would have to almost start over. Eventually, people would not be able to read any longer. We might have to use pictographs or glyphs to communicate important ideas. We might have to carve those pictures on stone and store them in a cave. We might only be living in caves for that matter if we have no tools left to build with.

Logic leads you to believe that only the most important things will be taught and passed along from generation to generation. Eventually, that knowledge will become wrapped in a mystical story that will be protected by a group which might become the new religious or spiritual leader. You see, we have those things today and we don't realize their purpose.

Anyway, this was an interesting idea expressed here.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shamisen Vs. Taiko

Ok, you may think that America has the corner on the market when it comes to groovy music....hold on there partner. I happen to love this song.

I ran across this song because of a benefit concert which is this coming Monday, April 11th here in Austin to raise money for Japan. Every dollar counts. I happen to love any music that is well performed and different than the same old stuff we all listen to. These two performers happen to be fantastic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Did You Feel that New Soul Enter the Room?

DINNER WAS GOOD TONIGHT. My sweet Wife is out of pocket tonight and so I was on my own for dinner. On my way home from work, I decided to stop at the grocery and pick up a bit of food. The meal I decided to make was going to be a nice salad with a new dressing, some chiabatta rolls, a spicy dish of spaghetti and black coffee. Yum!

That dinner was a good break from the news of the day. Since I am not sure you all have heard all the news, I shall give you the high points of the day's bleak news. Radioactive water has been released into the Pacific ocean that is at a level of 7.5 MILLION times safe levels. Let that soak in for a moment. That radiation is going to dilute a bit, but not enough to not affect the entire ecosystem of the Pacific. You may want to reconsider not eating fish and such from the Pacific for the next few million years. Note two: oil is sitting at just above $120 per barrel which raised the price of gas at the pump for the cheap stuff to $3.63 per gallon. And, at least 3 news sources from Reuters to the Times have reported that the Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia is threatening to raise the price of oil to the USA to a level of $200 to $300 per barrel soon. Oops! I think I mentioned that a few weeks back that the goal target price for oil by the Elites of the New World Order is $200 per barrel. Looks like we are about to be there.  Here is what is going to happen. The price of gasoline is going to creep up in price in increments of say 10 cents per week for a while with an occasional drop of a few cents but always with a following increase in price. It will continue to climb till it is somewhere around $7.00 to $8.00 per gallon (for gasoline and/or diesel). At that point, the American public will finally wake up and act up. Here is a bit more to the scenario.  We are going to get a new currency. It will be partially precious metal backed. It will be controlled by an international banking consortium. The American dollar will be depegged from the World Reserve currency status. Oh, and the most interesting item.... most if not all of the current Middle Eastern kingdoms will see the departure of their Kings and rulers from power, being replaced by a new Muslim government that will be much worse than what is now in place. This is already happening in places over there. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood and what they do in each country the next several months. But, all this is not the really big news....No.... we need to watch what happens in regards to China. Currently, China owns most of the US in one way or another. When their investments in the bonds and notes goes sour, they are not going to like us very much. Eekkkkkkk!

That is enough to make you throw up that nice dinner. But, there was one bright spot in the day and that was the sharing of some good news with me. One of my Techs had her little girl. She came into this world and has brightened up my day. What a cute little thing she is.

baby Leighton

It is the ever ongoing replacement of my generation with a new young crop of souls that makes my soul hopeful that all will be well in the future. We seek renewal. We see a fresh view of life. We seek calm and peace and love and goodness.... My generation will not bring that. I hate to admit that fact. It is going to be up to the young people to make a lasting change in the world. I did not want to bring kids into this world. Years ago, I sensed that I would not be a Father. I somehow knew my world was going to be a rough place, during my lifetime. Well, at least I was right about that. But, I look at this little soul and I see hope. I see someone who will succeed. I see a possibility for a real solution. Isn't she beautiful? 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Would Like to Teach the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony

It has been a while since I was here last for a post. Since I do not try to fill my brain with the angering and upsetting news from around the world, I actually do not seem to be inspired to write much any more. But, tonight, I will spend just a little time telling a few tales and see what you make of it.

It is bleak in Japan. The disaster suffered there is going to be a huge obstacle to overcome in the future. The clean up and reconstruction of the hardest hit areas will take a great deal of time and resources. Perhaps we all need to pitch in and help. The Nuclear plants which were damaged are beyond hope. They are all damaged and many are melted down and releasing tremendous amounts of radioactive isotopes and contamination. Remember, radioactive materials are cumulative in nature. They do not just go away unless they have a very short half-life. That nightmare will be a part of all our lives for a very long time. Protect yourself and keep your ears open for news and warnings. I can only say, you are going to have to listen to alternative areas of information to get the news regarding radiation. The government and the national press are not going to tell you much at all. It is a business kind of thing I guess. As of today, California is reporting in places 181 times higher levels of radioactive iodine isotopes showing up in rain water this past week. I will just leave you to ponder that little tidbit of news.

As far as the Middle East and North Africa goes, things are not looking good there. We have Marines poised to put boots on the ground in Libya. Thousands of civilians are getting killed on both sides of the conflict. Deteriorated Uranium ammunitions is being used and you know what that means.

Our National debt grows daily by leaps and bounds.  You know what that means too.

So, is there any bright spot in the world to talk about? Yes! It is that spot within. I have been thinking a great deal about my own space in this world and beyond. It is struggling to find some peace once again. But, I am doing it every day, more and more, by looking towards the reality of my own life. When I tune out the world, I become a better person. I know, YOU ARE SAYING THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO LIVE LIFE....  You are right.  But, there is no way I can solve anything other than my own condition.

Last week, I had a chance to go to our little home in Moulton. It was such a breath of fresh air for my body and mental health. I kept busy doing things and not thinking about the world. My world shrunk down to 3d acres of land and a little house. My conflicts were with tall grass and brambles. My debt worries were confined to how much it was going to cost to mow the grass and fill up my old pickup truck. The troubles of my world involved finding time between projects to make a good meal. My radiation worries amounted only to how much sun I was going to get while gardening and being outside under that wonderful blue sky.  The noise of an angry world was just not there because all I heard was the song of a bird. I had time to make some specialized tools for myself and for Angela's pottery needs. To feel the smoothness of a piece of wood in my hands being transformed into a long shaping tool for tall vases was very relaxing. To have a fallout of wood shavings and sanding dust covering my floor to my workshop was not that bad. When I grew tired, I had a hot cup of coffee and I was renewed. I managed to mow two acres of land and have time to clean up both mowers before putting them back in the shed. My only regret was upsetting the three squirrels who had taken up residence in my storage shed above the roll up door. They were just as surprised as I was when they flew off the door to the ground as I opened up the mower storage area.

I had some time to start a new book. I watched a funny movie. I cooked and ate some healthy food. I slept in one morning. I got my feet dirty walking barefoot in the yard. I had a long conversation with my best friend about everything....

Life was different for me for two days. I came back early to work this past weekend, and Angela followed Saturday afternoon. We had a wonderful meal out and I was excited to see just how beautiful my Wife is when we went out. She wore a new dress and WOW, she look good. Austin was alive that night. There were people everywhere, enjoying themselves. The world seemed a great place to be!

Two days ago, I was listening to some beautiful music being sung by a man in his 80s. He had a voice that was out of this world. Even though I do not speak his language, I enjoyed the song so much. It was one of those songs that sends you into a trance of beauty. When the song ended, I found myself almost crying. I thought, what a waste of talent. This man could have been singing to the entire world, his beautiful songs, for a very long time, but, his talent went unheard the bulk of his life because he lived in a country that politically was ostracized from my world. Then, I thought, there must be millions of voices in this world that I will never hear. Billions of songs that will not be sung and recorded and shared with us all. So much beauty lost to politics and conflict and dogma....  Sad isn't it? Make a commitment to share a song with this world. Spread a  bit of beauty from one human to another tomorrow and every day. Embrace your friends and tell them you love them. And, ask them to do the same. Perhaps, one by one, that song will be heard around the world and that embrace will reach out and take the world in the collective arms of all mankind.  It is a dream worth dreaming.

News from the Edge | Big Breasted Women Have Higher I.Q.s | unknowncountry

News from the Edge | Big Breasted Women Have Higher I.Q.s | unknowncountry

I knew there was a reason I loved my Wife so much.... she is a very smart cookie!

"Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton - Moontalk Productions [HD]

I am not an office worker!!!! Is this really the way office life is????