I am in the midst of an emotional state I cannot fully explain. So, I will not mince words tonight. Did you see the future spot market price of OIL for June? $200 per barrel is that price. Do you realize what that will do to our Nation?
Is there not one Good Man who will step up and say ENOUGH? Is there not one Good Woman who will stand with that Man and say, ENOUGH? We have blindly let this go on too long. It will come to no good and I do not think any of you will realize that point until it is too late.
So, tonight I ask that you say a prayer for this Nation. I ask that you say a prayer for this World. I had always believed that within my lifetime, I would see and end to what once was and will never be again. I do believe my belief is about to come true.
For several weeks now, I have been giving you figures and predictions that really were not predictions at all. I am just a parrot. I just tell you what was told to me. I have no inside people telling me secrets. I only hear voices in the wind who are saying things that have been right before our eyes for many years. You wanted change. You now are about to have it. You ignored a One World Government that was coming because it was a CONSPIRACY THEORY. It is about to be a reality. You heard a former President stand before the Nation and say that there is a NEW WORLD ORDER needed in order to be alive in the future. YOU DID NOT HEAR THAT, DID YOU? You saw a monument erected in Georgia spelling out the wants and desires of this NEW WORLD ORDER on a Guide Stone and you never went there to read what THEY WROTE. Well, I fear it is here, knocking at my door and I must look them in the eye and do nothing. Just one voice is not enough.
I am tired of being the voice that no one hears. I speak no more on this. This will be the hardest thing I will do. I am going to shut up and let you all speak. No one reads this post except perhaps just a small handful of people. Go and step up. Speak up. Shout. Raise your hands into the air and wave. Make a mighty noise unto the Lord....before your new lord is fully in power. That new lord is the almighty dollar being held in the fist of a banker, robbing you of everything you once had. ... your future, your home, your wealth, your comfort, your pursuit of happiness, your freedom, your liberty, your dignity as a human.
Pass it on.
Sunday is a day that will have a voice heard around the World. It will come out of the desert of Arabia. It will be chaotic. It will be frightening as it well should be. It will be a voice shouting in anger against one thing that will lead to the most Earth shaking Change any of us has ever experienced in our lives. I am 58 and I am absolutely sure that I will know that day well as I have not known such a day in a very long time. It will be prolonged. It will be awakening. It will be unavoidable. What happens after that fateful Sunday will be up to you and I. Remember, it is not too late to say ENOUGH. You better be on the phone on Monday to your Senator and Representative. You better be pulling your support of the real criminals from their grasp.
Ok, that is all I can say. You all owe me twenty four cents.
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